Log framework based on CocoaLumberjack and ZipArchive
- Easy to test and collect problems that are difficult to reproduce,we can send logs to mailBox without Xcode
- Output different log information with corresponding colors in the Xcode console or iPhone depending on the log level(Xcode console requiredXcodeColors plug-in)
assistiveButton | debugView | logMail | XcodeConsole |
DLogTrace(); // ouput current function
DLogVerbose(@""); // ouput verbose level log message
DLogDebug(@""); // ouput debug level log message
DLogInfo(@""); // ouput info level log message
DLogWarn(@""); // ouput warn level log message
DLogError(@""); // ouput error level log message
Configuration Settings in project's AppDelegate.m
// #import 'LogKit.h'
// #import <LogKit.h>
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[LogKit addTTYLogger]; // Configure and add a DDTTYLogger (Apple System Log and Xcode console)
[LogKit addFileLogger]; // Send the log to the file (default for non debug builds),requied this method if you want send log files to mail
#ifdef DEBUG
[LogKit addDashboardLogger]; // Configure and add a recorder with console logs
[LogKit setDefaultMailAddress:@[@"testMailAddress@gmail.com"]]; // Sets the mailbox collection that receives log files (default is empty)
[LogKit setDefaultLogPassword:@"101001"]; // Set the password for the log file (default is empty)
return YES;
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
pod 'CocoaLogKit'
use MIT license