KubeBlocks is an open-source control plane software that runs and manages databases, message queues and other stateful applications on K8s.
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[Improvement] support best-effort/strict/none policy for calling switchover during component updating in cluster.spec
#8769 opened by wangyelei - 0
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[BUG] restore workload pod is pending
#8763 opened by gnolong - 0
[BUG]polardbx cluster created failed with Back-off restarting failed container error
#8765 opened by tianyue86 - 0
[BUG] vastbase cluster create failed on vke and aks: could not create directory /var/lib/vastbase/log: Permission denied
#8764 opened by JashBook - 1
[BUG] kubeblocks helm upgrade-hook-job failed
#8761 opened by juchaosong - 0
[Features] supports incremental backup
#8708 opened by gnolong - 0
[BUG]orioledb cluster created failed with Back-off restarting failed container error
#8760 opened by tianyue86 - 0
[BUG] Configuration PostgreSQL returns runtime error with config-spec pgbouncer
#8730 opened by dennis-xd - 0
[Improvement] redis cluster supports switchover
#8758 opened by Y-Rookie - 1
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[BUG] pulsar cluster broker crash Failed to start Pulsar service: Unable to read VM NIC speed
#8750 opened by JashBook - 0
[BUG] redis cluster 7.0.6 create build error: requeue after: 1s as: no matched image found for container init-dbctl with required version 7.0.6
#8753 opened by JashBook - 0
[BUG] postgresql and redis cluster create error: DCS initialize failed: MY_CLUSTER_NAME or KB_CLUSTER_NAME must be set
#8749 opened by JashBook - 0
[BUG] lorry get role from redis 5.x failed
#8745 opened by kizuna-lek - 0
[BUG] pulsar cluster create error: BookKeeper metadata doesn't exist in zookeeper
#8751 opened by JashBook - 6
[BUG] Cannot create service of type LoadBalancer for redis and redis-sentinel components during the initial creation of Cluster
#8742 opened by tejaboppana - 2
[BUG] mongodb cluster create panic: DCS initialize failed: KB_CLUSTER_NAME must be set
#8748 opened by JashBook - 0
[Improvement] imprv monitoring doc with Prometheus Operator and Prometheus Server
#8685 opened by shanshanying - 0
[Improvement] TRIVY-VULN-CRITICAL: update golang.org/x/crypto to v0.31.0
#8739 opened by shanshanying - 0
[Improvement] add trivy repo scan in workflow
#8747 opened by shanshanying - 1
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[BUG] Zookeeper backup size may be incorrect
#8726 opened by dengkailu - 0
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[BUG]HscaleOfflineInstances is always in running status when scaleIn component that only has 1 replicas
#8737 opened by tianyue86 - 0
[BUG] update mysql xtrabackup version for MySQL 8.0.x and supports both amd64 and arm64
#8681 opened by shanshanying - 0
[Features] support to inject container by webhook
#8736 opened by wangyelei - 0
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[BUG]Starrocks Scale-Out failed
#8733 opened by shanshanying - 0
[BUG] inter-component VARs reference for svc and credential are incorrect
#8734 opened by shanshanying - 1
[BUG] restart pod, configuration is not persistent
#8732 opened by fm2022aa - 6
[Dependency] Deprecated registry used for OpenEBS
#8683 opened by bbaassssiiee - 1
[BUG]Append a new volumeClaimTemplates in Cluster spec, its udpated, but POD did not use the generated PVC
#8697 opened by shanshanying - 1
[Features] s390x support
#8725 opened by ahlfors - 1
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[BUG]The specified memory 0.6Gi is displayed as 644245094400m after vscale of pulsar cluster
#8724 opened by tianyue86 - 3
[BUG] PostgreSQL Cross K8s deployment Reconcile Error
#8722 opened by dennis-xd - 2
[BUG]Dynamically updating the default_time_zone parameter generates an error message, and it is not allowed to modify the default value. Is there any way to change this
#8719 opened by xpy3306 - 1
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[BUG] KB08x: remove RESTORED from ops-request annotation from cluster when restore is done
#8711 opened by shanshanying - 0
[BUG]install release ob-ce failed: both value and valueFrom are specified for component var: MANAGER_PORT
#8710 opened by tianyue86 - 1
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[BUG] failed to create rabbitmq
#8703 opened by decaMinCow - 0
[BUG] Redis get role overtime in 0.9
#8690 opened by kizuna-lek - 0
[Improvement] set invalid ServiceVersion on creating Cluster, report no matched component definition found
#8698 opened by shanshanying - 0
[BUG] Reconfigure get wrong original value in 0.9
#8692 opened by kizuna-lek - 0
[BUG] mysql 5.7.44 pod crash after hscale
#8687 opened by JashBook