
DS1302 real time clock-calendar platform agnostic driver crate

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DS1302 real time clock-calendar platform agnostic driver


DS1302 is a real time clock/calendar (RTCC) chip, which communicates with SPI interface.
The device provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. Driver is based on embedded-hal traits.

Datasheet: DS1302

Hardware requirements

  • Very importand: SPI frame format with LSB transmitted first!
  • SPI speed less than 2 MHz
  • CPOL: CK to 0 when idle, CPHA: the first clock transition is the first data capture edge
  • Default 8-bit data frame format is selected for transmission/reception

Stm32 BluePill board connected to I2C oled display with DS1302 RTCC

More in -> https://github.com/Nekspire/ds1302-rs/tree/master/examples

The driver allows to:

  • Read and set clock and calendar data in 12-hour or 24-hour format .
  • Changing hour format without reseting it. set_clock_mode()

The driver does not allow to:

  • Currently using RAM is not supported.


// External crates for IO and strings manipulation 
use core::fmt::Write;
use heapless::String;
// DS1302 driver crate
use ds1302::{DS1302, Hours, Clock, Calendar, Mode as ds1302_mode};

// Create with DS1302::new(), specify hour format mode: ds1302_mode::Hour12, in this case
let mut ds1302 = DS1302::new(spi, cs, ds1302_mode::Hour12).unwrap();

Read time and date

let mut data = String::<U32>::from(" ");
let mut text = " ";

let cl = ds1302.get_clock_calendar().unwrap();
// Check the current mode. If it is Hour12, check AM/PM value. Please refer to table description below.
match ds1302.mode {
    ds1302_mode::Hour12 => {
        if cl.0.hours.am_pm == 1 {text = " PM"}
        else {text = " AM"}
    ds1302_mode::Hour24 => text = ""
// Glue cl reads in string called "data", and use it later ...
let _=write!(data,"{} {}.{}.{}\n{:02}:{:02}:{:02} {}",
            cl.1.day, cl.1.date, cl.1.month, cl.1.year,
            cl.0.hours.hours, cl.0.minutes, cl.0.seconds, text);

From lib.rs:

pub struct Hours {
    pub hours: u8,
    pub am_pm: u8,

pub enum Mode {

Variants of time format depending on Mode::Hour24, Mode::Hour12 and Hours::am_mp

Mode am_pm time format
Hour12 0 AM
Hour12 1 PM
Hour24 0 -
Hour24 1 -

Set time and date

let h = Hours {hours: 4, am_pm: 1};
let clk = Clock {
    hours: h,
    minutes: 29,
    seconds: 0
let cal = Calendar {
    day: 2,
    date: 27,
    month: 10,
    year: 2020
ds1302.set_clock_calendar(clk, cal).unwrap();


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