Bidding Bot Demo

Learn how to post a collection offer on OpenSea!

Local development

Setup node (optional)

nvm install

Install dependencies


Configure Environment Variables

These are the environment variables used in this bidding bot. Add them to .env in this directory and they'll get sourced automatically.

WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY - The private key of the wallet you want to use to make the offer. Set it according to the instructions in yarn create-wallet

API_KEY - Your OpenSea API key. Get one here. This is only required for mainnet.

NETWORK - The network you want to use. Either mainnet or testnets. Use testnets for testing, and mainnet for real offers.

The following environment variables are network specific, and should be prefixed with MAINNET_ or TESTNETS_ depending on the network you're using.

{network}_RPC_URL - The RPC URL. You can get this by signing up with e.g. Alchemy.

{network}_COLLECTION_SLUG - The slug of the collection you want to make an offer on.

{network}_ITEM_ASSET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - The asset contract address of the item you want to make an offer on.

{network}_ITEM_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER - The token identifier of the item you want to make an offer on.

Create a Wallet

Follow the steps from the command below to create a new wallet and add the private key to a .env file in this directory.

yarn create-wallet

Make Offers

Adjust the values in biddingBot.ts to make an offer on a collection and an individual item. Then run the following command to make the offers.

yarn bidding-bot

Make Listings

Adjust the values in listingBot.ts to make a listing on an individual item. Then run the following command to make the listing.

yarn listing-bot

Demo Fulfillment

To see how to fulfill an offer, run the following command with the order hash of the offer you want to fulfill and the address you would fulfill it from. If you're fulfilling a criteria offer, you also need to pass in the contract address and token ID of the NFT you're trying to fulfill with.

yarn demo-fulfillment {order_hash} {from_address} [{contract_address} {token_id}]

To actually fulfill the offer, check out the _fulfillTransaction function in fulfillOffer.ts.