
Babel plugin for stubbing [ES6, ES2015] module exports

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Babel plugin for stubbing (ES6, ES2015) module exports. It allows to rewire the exported values in all the importing modules. Unlike babel-plugin-rewire it doesn't modify the module internals (e.g. imports and top-level variables and functions). See How it works section for implementation details.

The master branch targets Babel v7. 0.x branch supports Babel v6.


Plugin transforms module exports in such a way that they can be stubbed (or "rewired") via the following API:

  • default export - plugin exports additional rewire(stub) function that allows to replace the original
  • named exports - for each export (e.g. export var foo) an additional function rewire$foo(stub) is exported
  • restore() function allows to restore the exports to their original values
  • if there are existing rewire or restore top-level identifiers, the generated exports will be named rewire$default and restore$rewire respectively


Named export:

//------ text.js ------
export let message = 'Hello world!'

//------ logger.js ------
import {message} from './text.js'

export default function () {

//------ main.js ------
import {rewire$message, restore} from './text.js'
import logger from './logger.js'

logger() // 'Hello world!'
rewire$message('I am now rewired')
logger() // 'I am now rewired'
logger() // 'Hello world!'

Default export:

//------ fetch.js ------
export default function (url) {
  // perform some expensive remote call

//------ adapter.js ------
import fetch from './fetch.js'

export function fetchItems() {
  return fetch('/items')

//------ test.js ------
import {rewire, restore} from './fetch.js'
import {fetchItems} from './adapter.js'

// Jasmine example
describe('adapter', function () {
  beforeEach(function () {
    rewire(this.spy = jasmine.createSpy('fetch'))
  it('should call fetch', function () {

// Mocha/Chai and Sinon example
describe('adapter', function () {
  var spy

  beforeEach(function () {
    rewire(spy = sinon.spy())
  it('should call fetch', function () {


How it works

In ES6, imports are live read-only views on exported values:

//------ lib.js ------
export let counter = 3;
export function incCounter() {

//------ main1.js ------
import { counter, incCounter } from './lib';

// The imported value `counter` is live
console.log(counter); // 3
console.log(counter); // 4

// The imported value can’t be changed
counter++; // TypeError

This allows for any exports to be overwritten from within the module - and imports will be automatically updated via their bindings.


Here's how various kinds of export declarations are transformed:

  • Literals (export default 'foo') - the original value is copied to a variable to be stubbed and restored later: export {_default as default}
  • Variables:
    • named exports (export var foo, export let bar or export {baz}) are left intact, but their initial values are similarly copied to temp variables.
    • default export (export default foo) is converted to a named export to enable live binding: export {foo as default}
  • Constants (export const foo = 'bar') are ignored by default, but you can use unsafeConst option to convert const to let in order to enable the transformation.
  • Functions (export default function () {…} or export function foo() {…}) are split into a function declaration and exported variable by the same name. The variable is hoisted to the very top of the module to preserve existing behavior.
  • Classes (export default class {…} or export class foo {…}) are handled similarly to functions except the variables are not hoisted (again to preserve the existing behavior).
  • Re-exports (export * from './foo.js' or export {bar} from 'baz') are ignored.
  • Immutable values such as undefined, globals, constants and imports are copied similar to literals.


$ npm install babel-plugin-rewire-exports


Via .babelrc (Recommended)


// without options
  "plugins": ["rewire-exports"]

// with options
  "plugins": [
    ["rewire-exports", {
      "unsafeConst": true


$ babel --plugins rewire-exports script.js

Via Node API

require("@babel/core").transform("code", {
  plugins: ["rewire-exports"]



boolean, defaults to false.

Constants cannot be rewired, because the plugin relies on variables being assign-able in order to work. However setting unsafeConst: true will convert export const foo = 'bar' to export let foo = 'bar'. This will allow to treat named constant exports as a regular variables. This is potentially unsafe if your code relies on constants being read-only.