Learn about the Dribbble API at dribbble.com/api.
Swish is just a Ruby gem:
gem install swish
Not playing in the Ruby league? Here are the others we know of so far:
C#/.NET: github.com/superlogical/dribbble-dotnet (I would have called it “Nothing but .NET”)
ExpressionEngine 1.6.8+: ninefour.co.uk/labs/dribbble
ExpressionEngine 2: olivierbon.com/projects/dreebbble
require 'swish' # Find a shot shot = Dribbble::Shot.find(21603) # See some data about the shot shot.title shot.image_url shot.url shot.player.name shot.views_count shot.likes_count shot.comments_count shot.rebounds_count # Find more shots inspiring = Dribbble::Shot.popular call_the_police = Dribbble::Shot.everyone yay_noobs = Dribbble::Shot.debuts # Find a player player = Dribbble::Player.find('jeremy') # See some data about the player player.name player.avatar_url player.url player.location player.twitter_screen_name player.drafted_by_player_id # Player stats player.shots_count player.draftees_count player.followers_count player.following_count # List a player's shots player.shots # List shots by players that this player follows player.shots_following # List a player's draftees player.draftees # List a player's followers player.followers # List the players who a player is following player.following
The Dribbble API returns paginated lists, with a default page size of 15 items. Swish makes it easy to traverse the pages of any list.
# Get the second page of popular shots, with 30 shots per page shots = Dribbble::Shot.popular(:page => 2, :per_page => 30) # Some useful stats for rendering pagination links shots.page # => current page number shots.per_page # => number of items per page shots.total # => total number of items on all pages shots.pages # => total number of pages # Try it with other lists Dribbble::Player.find('jeremy').shots(:per_page => 5) Dribbble::Player.find('jeremy').shots_following(:page => 10)
See dribbble.com/api#pagination for more information.
liiikes.com/, “Using statistics to find the best content on Dribbble.”
hooppps.com/, “A free open-source mobile dribbble browser”
Email jeremy@weiskotten.com to have your project added to this list.
Thanks to Dan and Rich for creating Dribbble (and its API!), and to everyone that has contributed to Swish, including:
Jeffrey Chupp
Jon Distad
Michael Parenteau
Email jeremy@weiskotten.com if you should be on this list. Apologies and thanks in advance.
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2010 Jeremy Weiskotten. See LICENSE for details.