
🚗💥 DQNAgent on the Gym OpenAI Higway environment to make a car drive on a highway

Primary LanguagePython

Highway RL

This projects aims to train a DQNAgent on the Gym OpenAI Higway environment.


Keep the car on the highway without having an accident with the cars around. It handles direction, speed and brake.


Project : Reinforcement Learning School : ENSC (AI) - Bordeaux INP 2021 Time : 1 week or less

First steps

The baseline was given by the teacher with the correction of a DQN exercise on the cartpole environnement. The goal was to make it work on the highway environnement and to improve it.


  • The main file highway.py handles the whole thing
  • models.pycontains 2 differents Agents, the basic DQN and the Dueling DQN


  • DQN : The Deep Q Network estimates a Q-value for each action-state pair.
  • Dueling DQN : The Dueling network represents two separate estimators: one for the state value function and one for the state-dependent action advantage function.


1 - Get the repository

git clone https://github.com/aperrier004/highway-RL/
cd highway-RL/

2 - Install it, using Conda for example (use Python >= 3.6)

conda create --name myenv python=3.6
conda activate myenv  
pip install -r requirements.txt  

3 - Launch a training

python highway.py


The trained DQN Dueling manages to change lanes depending on the case to dodge a few cars, but in the best case the score reachs 20 which causes the car to crash after only a few seconds.

Intermediate work

Tested activation : tanh, sigmoid, relu, et lin -> stayed with linear because it prevents from normalisation step.

Adaptation of the number of test epochs per training cycle: performance is better with more cycles, the number of epochs per cycle seems less influential.

Normalization of Q-values: no significant performance increase, not retained.

Additional ideas

Work with a memory buffer. Adjust the hyper-parameters of the model.