- 0
- 3
strange lt-tmxproc number copying
#191 opened by unhammer - 1
- 1
^$ turns into ^ in lt-proc -b
#187 opened by unhammer - 1
lt-proc -b no longer accepts tagless lemmas
#186 opened by unhammer - 2
Unable to compile transfer in apertium-spa-cat
#184 opened by marcriera - 1
Problems with double post-generation
#183 opened by acmraimx23 - 0
- 0
- 1
Option to output '~' as compound separator
#177 opened by unhammer - 1
Option to set compound_max_elements in lt-proc
#162 opened by unhammer - 4
configure fails because of missing utf8.h
#142 opened by mortenivar - 5
lt-proc -b explodes on a-zA-Z regexes + long input
#167 opened by unhammer - 0
lt-proc -g -b no longer works
#166 opened by unhammer - 1
Support for `ANY_CHAR` in regular dix files?
#163 opened by unhammer - 3
- 0
- 0
- 4
lt-trim trims valid analyses
#156 opened by marcriera - 11
Apertium is not translating a Word document
#122 opened by Elivica - 0
Post-generation problems when uppercase
#154 opened by hectoralos - 2
lsx-comp --debug
#147 opened by unhammer - 18
letter case issue in post-generation
#123 opened by hectoralos - 1
postgenerator nests wordblanks
#145 opened by unhammer - 1
Deprecate and then delete unused SAO code
#99 opened by ftyers - 2
- 0
`<t/>` alignment in `lsx-comp`
#146 opened by mr-martian - 0
Python wrapper doesn't support all modes
#106 opened by xavivars - 0
- 2
Allow use of lt-proc with -d and -b simultaneously
#124 opened by marcriera - 6
soft-hyphen gives empty form
#113 opened by unhammer - 0
compounding on multiwords
#138 opened by unhammer - 0
soft hyphens not always ignored
#140 opened by unhammer - 1
- 13
Duplication in generation
#136 opened by hectoralos - 2
auto-section big fst's for faster compilation
#134 opened by unhammer - 0
Python module undefined symbol
#132 opened by TinoDidriksen - 3
allow separable in lt-expand
#116 opened by unhammer - 0
lt-expand creates duplicate entries in some cases
#125 opened by marcriera - 1
mathematical omicron makes it loopy
#127 opened by unhammer - 1
- 0
postgen also seem to think omicron is korean
#129 opened by unhammer - 1
lt-proc -b leaking memory
#120 opened by unhammer - 2
- 2
segfault in lt-comp
#108 opened by mr-martian - 2
in-lexicon character not analyzed
#109 opened by mr-martian - 1
May swallow last lexical unit if no final newline
#104 opened by unhammer - 10
Allow escaping any character as opposed to only a predefined list of escaped characters
#103 opened by hectoralos - 1
Move code that only -separable uses to -separable
#98 opened by ftyers - 0
Set default weight by section
#97 opened by ftyers