
Terraform workflow for AWS, Azure, OpenStack

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tank Terraform

IMPORTANT: don't forget to destroy after experiment:
terraform destroy --var-file <provider>/terraform.tfvars <provider>

The Tank infrastructure is ready to be deployed in the AWS, Microsoft Azure and OpenStack cloud platforms. Terraform provisions the infrastructure and Ansible will setup the needed software components.

  • This repo uses submodules. For cloning use git clone --recursive
  • Keep in mind only one cloud can be used in one terraform workspace

The following steps are needed to setup everything up:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • You will need a working AWS CLI (setup using aws configure).
  • Set necessary variables in ./aws/terraform.tfvars. The docker login is needed to pull the tank image.
  • Keyfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa is used by default, otherwise set keyfile variable in .tfvars.
  • Set number of nodes, instance_type or other variables as needed.
  • terraform init ./aws to setup terraform environment
  • terraform apply --var-file aws/terraform.tfvars aws so setup infrastructre in AWS

Microsoft Azure

  • You will need a working AZ CLI (setup using az login).
  • Set necessary variables in ./azure/terraform.tfvars. The docker login is needed to pull the tank image.
  • Set number of nodes, instance_type or other variables as needed.
  • terraform ini ./azure to setup terraform environment
  • terraform apply --var-file azure/terraform.tfvars azure so setup infrastructre in Azure


  • You will need a working OpenStack CLI (setup using source ./PROJECT-openrc.sh).
  • Set necessary variables in ./openstack/terraform.tfvars. The docker login is needed to pull the tank image.
  • Set number of nodes, instance_type or other variables as needed.
  • terraform init ./openstack to setup terraform environment
  • terraform apply --var-file openstack/terraform.tfvars openstack so setup infrastructre in OpenStack

Ansible Component Provisioning

  • Wait until instances are running
  • ansible-playbook -i ./ansible/cloud-hosts ansible/site.yml to provision tank and needed components on nodes.
  • A simple NGINX load balancer is then running on the gateway virtual machine.