Various utilities for Go and TypeScript including:
- backoff: configurable backoff
- broadcast: channel-based broadcast (similar to sync.Cond)
- ccall: call a set of functions concurrently and wait for error or exit
- ccontainer: concurrent container for objects
- commonprefix: find common prefix between strings
- conc: concurrent processing queue
- cqueue: concurrent atomic queues (LIFO)
- csync: sync primitives supporting context arguments
- debounce-fswatcher: debounce fs watcher events
- exec: wrapper around Go os exec
- fsutil: utilities for os filesystem
- httplog/fetch: JS Fetch API wrapper with logging for WASM
- httplog: HTTP request and response logging utilities
- iocloser: wrap reader/writer with a close function
- iowriter: io.Writer implementation with callback function
- iosizer: read/writer with metrics for size
- js/fetch: Fetch API wrapper for WASM
- js/readable-stream: ReadableStream wrapper for WASM
- keyed: key/value based routine management
- linkedlist: linked list with head/tail
- memo: memoize a function: call it once and remember results
- padding: pad / unpad a byte array slice
- prng: psuedorandom generator with seed
- promise: promise mechanics for Go (like JS)
- refcount: reference counter ccontainer
- routine: start, stop, restart, reset a goroutine
- scrub: zero a buffer after usage
- unique: deduplicated list of items by key