
Advent of Code daily puzzles

Primary LanguageC#


Advent of Code daily puzzles

2018,2019, 2020 years

(I mislabeled my code projects, by calling 2019 2020.)

In 2018, I tried to write most of the days in F#, but ended up creating a CSharp project for some of the harder, less functional puzzles. I got through the first 14 days before I got stuck and couln't proceed.

In 2019, I'm writing in c#, my best language, trying to go full speed ahead and make it through 25 days. I'm also not trying to write code at Midnight, because that was a frustrating prospect.

In 2020, I've been writing in C#, although I did try to prove day one in Coq vernacular. I'm working on 2015 solutions as well.

The helper functions are so useful that I've been working on all of the days in the 2019 project, with the day numbers : Day + (Year - 2019) * 25. So my Day 1, 2015 has been day -99. 2020 day 11 is day 36.