Pokemon Battle Simulator

By Loren Glenn, Diego Suarez, Maxwell Cady, and Alex Francois


  • A battle simulator featuring 10 pokemon characters.
  • A user will create a game and another user will log into this game through PubNub
  • Both users will select 3 pokemon characters. Users can only select a pokemon once and when the pokemon is selected the other user cannot select this pokemon.
  • Once all 3 pokemon are selected for each user the battle begins!
  • Both users go at the same time. Users can select from one of two moves or can switch pokemon on each turn.
  • The user selects their move or switches pokemon and then clicks the ready button.
  • Once each user clicks teh ready button the battle is engaged and damage is done to each user's HP based on their attack, defense, and speed stats.
  • If a pokemon has 0 HP it is "dead" and the user's next pokemon will be the active Pokemon.
  • IF a user loses all 3 pokemon the game is over

Setup/Installation Requirements

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Git
  • PubNub


Copyright (c) 2016 Pokemon Battle Group GPL