Pinned Repositories
Vanilla Forums integration to Google's Coursebuilder
Additional functionality based on when users complete certain actions, like completing a rating, or nearly finishing a unit, an email (if the user has consented) will be sent to encourage the user to continue with the course and to provide feedback if applicable.
A layout change for the course homepage from a list to a dashboard approach which shows rough progress through each unit and powerful idea
Additional functionality added to Gitkit code to allow transfer of progress and personal data from a pre-exisiting user using a Google sign in account to a Gitkit account, as well as storing the user temporarily during the life of a single request to save making multiple lookups to the gitkit service
A cron job that provides organisations/partners with learner progress reports which are in the form of google sheets
To allow unicode characters to be displayed as they should when parsed by the registration handler
Javascript and HTML that checks that all mandatory fields in registration form are filled/selected before allowing submission
Using sendgrid api to send emails rather than the in built mail api due to daily limit quotas on the in built mail api.
A user archiving cron job that finds users who have been inactive for a certain period of time, anonymises their personal data, such as name and email address, and inserts into an archive table and removes from the Student table
Java application that is run as a cron job to check whether certain sites that Citizen Maths use are running or down, and email someone to let them know of a site's status
apfredericks's Repositories
Vanilla Forums integration to Google's Coursebuilder