A custom Trilium theme inspired by the Bear note-taking app.
You may want to adjust the .note-detail-text-editor width to match your display size. The extra padding-right and particularly -left for .note-detail-text is for handling distraction-free (Zen) mode (alt-M).
Icons from https://boxicons.com/.
Installation notes below.
- Create new note in Trillium, Type = CSS.
- Paste in contents of trilium-bear.css
- Create @appTheme attribute and assign to trilium-bear
- Menu > Options > Theme > Select your new theme
- Search https://boxicons.com/ for desired icon
- Select the class text, e.g. bx bxs-thermometer
- Open attributes dialog for the note you want to style
- Set the iconClass label equal to the icon class text, e.g. bx bxs-thermometer
More details can be found here: https://github.com/zadam/trilium/wiki/Themes
Enhancements to this theme welcomed and appreciated.