
Default generated mockresponder with 'edit' link relations

Primary LanguageJava


Default generated mockresponder with 'edit' link relations.

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You can also deploy existing projects to CloudBees

http://developer.cloudbees.com/bin/view/RUN/DevToRun mvn bees:deploy -Dbees.appid=youraccount/yourappname -Dbees.apikey=<key> -Dbees.secret=<secret>

NB - be sure to set the CloudBees app to Java 1.7, there's no way to set this from the maven plugin right now. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12204582/when-can-i-use-jdk-7-with-cloudbees-runcloud bees config:set -Rjava_version=1.7 -a account/appname