
A widget to display 3 Last Months Browser Stast from Statcounter in Panic's Status Board

Primary LanguagePHP

"Last 3 months Browser stats" for Panic's Status Board

from Statcounter

A simple PHP script to display the last 3 months browser stats (partially combined) on your Panic's Status Board.

The data is returned in JSON, to be used as native Graph in Panic's Status Board.


Copy the globalstats_statusboard folder on your own server ( it requires PHP to work ).
Copy the url, like : http://yourdomain.com/path/to/globalstats_statusboard/


You can choose the number of columns to display.

  • default is 5
  • set -1 to remove limit

You can set the limit in the url : /globalstats_statusboard/?limit=-1


Widget cache result on the server, in the same place that the index file.
Cache time limit is 18 hours, like the auto-refresh time (in Status Board 1.1+).


Preview of Globalstats Panic's Status Board widget


Script: Copyright 2013 Christophe VERGNE
Data: Copyright 2013 Statcounter