
RSS to Webhook Python

Primary LanguagePython

RSS to Webhook Python

Parses feeds using feedparser and POSTS new entries to a webhook.
Currently this script sends only title, content, and link, of any new entries, but others could be easily added. It stores retrieved entry ID's in an sqlite3 database named rss-cache.db.

It uses flags to configure behaviour. Below are the available flags:

-f FEED, --feed FEED A feedparser compatible feed.

-w WEBHOOK, --webhook WEBHOOK is the webhook url to post new entries to.

-e ENTRIES, --entries ENTRIES the number of new entries to post. Defaults to "1" in order to reduce first run activity.

./rss-webhook.py -f 'http://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/releases.atom' -f 'https://about.gitlab.com/security-releases.xml' -w 'https://chat.internet.com/hooks/etc' -e 2