
HashiCorp Packer Template for building a Vagrant Base Box of Ubuntu 16 (xenial-xerus)

Primary LanguageShell

HashiCrop packer Template of Ubuntu 16 (xenial-xerus)

This repo contains a packer template for building a Vagrant Base Box of Ubuntu 16 (aka xenial-xerus).


Ensure that you already have the following applications installed & working:

  • Virtualbox
  • Virtualbox Guest Additions (VBox GA)
  • MacOS (aka OSX) - VirtualBox 6.x+ is expected to be shipped with the related .iso present under (eg): /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso You may however need to download the .iso specific to your version (mount it) and execute the VBoxDarwinAdditions.pkg

  • Vagrant
  • Packer


Make all changes as required (hostnames, etc.) and thereafter commence with build using packer CLI:

packer validate ubuntu-16.04.2-xenial-xerus.json && \
# if output: Template validated successfully. \
packer build ubuntu-16.04.2-xenial-xerus.json

The resulting Vagrant Base *.box file will be produced in the root of the repository (where no issues / errors).

See vagrantup.com/aphorise/boxes/ubuntu16 for generated image.


Make adjustments to use appropriate mirrors (which are insecure ftp or http presently) where intended to extend to make proper use beyond a mere practise / training.

If your development & delivery resource specifications differ (eg - you'd like to use more resource locally) then update (ubuntu-16.04.2-xenial-xerus.json) by adding the below noted vboxmanage_post block (after: vboxmanage) within the builders section as well its related variables:

 	"cpu_cores_delivery": "1",
	"memory_delivery": "1024",
		[ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "{{user `memory_delivery`}}" ],
		[ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "{{user `cpu_cores_delivery`}}" ]

Reference & Credits:

Some material re-used from: