
Arm64 Vagrantfile demo of Vault built on MacOS & Apple Silicon using VMWare Fusion

Primary LanguageShell

HashiCorp vagrant example of vault on ARM64

This repo contains a Vagrantfile mocking an example Vault setup using Integrated Storage (aka Raft).

Built on 🍎 MacOS Apple Silicon (with M3) and substitute for former VirtualBox based image that will not work on Apple's Arm based architecture.


Usage & Workflow

Refer to the contents of Vagrantfile for version and details of provisioning steps. Set the VV1 in Vagrant variable with exact version you wish to install (if not latest).

If a license is required thenb place the complete license in the directory vault_files in the content of the file: vault_license.txt. A custom auto-unseal can also be specified via the file vault_seal.hcl.commented which should be renamed to vault_seal.hcl where auto-unseals may be applicable.

vagrant up --provider=vmware_desktop ;
# // ... output of provisioning steps.

vagrant global-status --prune ; # should show running nodes
# id       name   provider       state   directory
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# b87e2f3  vault1 vmware_desktop running /Users/me/hashicorp.vagrant-vault-arm64

# // On a separate Terminal session check status of consul1 & its members.
vagrant ssh vault1
# // ...

# // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# when completely done:
vagrant destroy -f ;
vagrant box remove -f aphorise/debian12-arm64 --provider=vmware_desktop ; # ... delete box images


Ported from original X86 / AMD64 reproduction: