
A Vagrantfile demonstrating Vault DR clusters.

Primary LanguageShell

HashiCorp vagrant demo of vault DR-Primary & DR-Secondary.

It is not clear currently (1.9.0) how to raft list-peers on a DR-Secondary after it's setup. Must use CLI parameter -dr-token=... instead of VAULT_TOKEN or on API the request body must contain {"dr_operation_token":"..."} as demonstrated.

NOTE:: Place license in vault_license.txt for each respective cluster.

Usage & Workflow

vagrant up --provider virtualbox ;
# // ... output of provisioning steps.

# // On a separate Terminal session check status of vault2 & cluster.
vagrant ssh dr2secondary-vault1
  # ...

VAULT_TOKEN_DR_BATCH=$(cat vault_token_dr_batch.json | jq -r '.auth.client_token') ;

VAULT_TOKEN=$VAULT_TOKEN_DR_BATCH vault operator raft list-peers ;
  # Error reading the raft cluster configuration: Error making API request.
  # URL: GET
  # Code: 400. Errors:
  # * path disabled in replication DR secondary mode

curl -k -L -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN_DR_BATCH" ${VAULT_ADDR}/v1/sys/storage/raft/configuration ;
  # {"errors":["path disabled in replication DR secondary mode"]}

vault operator raft list-peers -dr-token=$VAULT_TOKEN_DR_BATCH ;
curl -k -X PUT -H "X-Vault-Token: ${VAULT_TOKEN}" -d '{"dr_operation_token":"'$VAULT_TOKEN_DR_BATCH'"}' ${VAULT_ADDR}/v1/sys/storage/raft/configuration ;

Reference material: