
A Vagrantfile demo of Vault transit benchmarking

Primary LanguageShell

HashiCorp vagrant demo of vault with Transit Benchmarking.

This repo contains a mock Vagrantfile of Vault for benchmark a Transit mounts operations in three stages:

  • A. directly on the leader host (eg with VAULT_ADDR='')
  • B. network settings (TLS & tls_disabled) via another Vault performance standby node or as close to leader host as possible (eg 0-1 hop away).
  • C. load-balancer settings via WAN or end-user facing environment

Vault HSM Enterprise using SoftHSM as an auto-unseal type is possible as detailed below.


The hardware & software requirements needed to use this repo is listed below.


  • RAM 2+ Gb Free at least (ensure you're not hitting SWAP either or are < 100Mb) needing more if using Consul.
  • CPU 4+ Cores Free at least (4 or more per instance better) needing more if you're using Consul.
  • Network interface allowing IP assignment and interconnection in VirtualBox bridged mode for all instances.
    • adjust sNET='en0: Wi-Fi (Wireless)' in Vagrantfile to match your system.
  • Virtualbox with Virtualbox Guest Additions (VBox GA) correctly installed.
  • Vagrant
  • OPTIONAL: 🔒 An enterprise license is needed for HSM Support 🔒

Excluded Systems & Network Considerations

All timing topologies related to network such as adaptor / link speeds (dmesg | grep eth0 | grep up) and round-trip-time / delays should be known already. For example traceroute times between Vault hosts and and other intermediate network appliance between Users of Vault must be factored.

Benchmarks ought to start local to the Vault leader and directly on the same host where hardware specifications are noted and where network times or anomalies are excluded using loopback (

Thereafter - Tests should extend to other Vault performance standbys and eventually further to the periphery with each iteration of benchmarks onto load-balancers.

Usage & Workflow

Refer to the contents of Vagrantfile & ensure network IP ranges specific to your setting then vagrant up.

To use Vault Enterprise HSM ensure that a license is set in vault_files/vault_license.txt and that the template adjust version specifics as documented in the Vagrantfile for the variable vv - eg: VV1='VAULT_VERSION='+'1.10.4+ent.hsm' prior to performing vagrant up.

# // - SET or COPY LICENSE & SET DEFAULT SEAL in vault_files/vault_seal.hcl
# cp ... vault_files/vault_license.txt
# mv vault_files/vault_seal.hcl.hsm vault_files/vault_seal.hcl

# // adjust Vagrantfile values - eg:
# // - sCLUSTERA_IP_* & iCLUSTERA_IP_* values for your network
nano Vagrantfile ;

# // double check for any missed or unset values.
grep -E '192.168|.*_IP.*=|_sIP.*="' Vagrantfile

# // provision & wait 2...3 minutes
time vagrant up --provider virtualbox ;
# // ... output of provisioning steps.

vagrant global-status ; # should show running nodes
  # id       name        provider   state   directory
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # 59665b3  hsm1-vault1 virtualbox running /home/auser/hashicorp.vagrant_vault-hsm-transit

# // On a separate Terminal session check status of vault2 & cluster.
vagrant ssh hsm1-vault1 ;
  # ...

#vagrant@hsm1-vault1:~$ \
  # RSA-2048 - SIZE OF PAYLOAD: 3859
  # 1 total time:  0.018134s
  # 2 total time:  0.017792s
  # 3 total time:  0.017713s
  # 4 total time:  0.018094s
  # 5 total time:  0.017521s
  # # // ...

exit ;
# // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# when completely done:
vagrant destroy -f hsm1-vault1 ; # ... destroy all - ORDER IMPORTANT
vagrant box remove -f debian/bullseye64 --provider virtualbox ; # ... delete box images

Performance MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)

Host with 4 vCPU Threads (2.5Ghz), PCIE 3.0 NVME x4 Storage (1750.41 MB/sec) & 2GB RAM (2667 MHz DDR4). Time taken to provision Vagrant / VM: 1m59s.

Using 30K Payload speeds 2-4 milliseconds for rsa-2k & maximum 200-800 nanoseconds for ecdsa-256.

Descriptions (Total Time) Response Time Request TIme
2ms rsa-2K 30K 0.002142079 43.648303532 43.646161453
2ms rsa-2K 30K 0.002190139 43.682337436 43.680147297
3ms rsa-2K 30K 0.002648878 43.718519655 43.715870777
3ms rsa-2K 30K 0.003459609 43.754248553 43.750788944
2ms rsa-2K 30K 0.002464871 43.791981318 43.789516447
800ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.00081795 44.220105604 44.219287654
213ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.000212515 44.254518305 44.25430579
231ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.000231339 44.287638483 44.287407144
269ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.000269323 44.318665843 44.31839652
218ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.000217878 44.352059333 44.351841455

Concurrent thirty (30x) requests with HMAC AUdit & 30K Payload maximum 3-85 milliseconds for rsa-2k & total duration of 201 milliseconds for complete batch.

Descriptions (Total Time) Average Time Maximum Time Minimum Time
30 Concurrent 30K 0.201355133 0.0094805920 0.0842463249 0.0023292509

System info:

ps aux | wc -l
  # 99  // processes on host

  # Architecture:                    x86_64
  # CPU(s):                          4
  # On-line CPU(s) list:             0-3
  # Thread(s) per core:              1
  # Model name:                      Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz
  # CPU MHz:                         2400.000
  # Hypervisor vendor:               KVM
  # Virtualization type:             full
  # L1d cache:                       128 KiB
  # L1i cache:                       128 KiB
  # L2 cache:                        1 MiB
  # L3 cache:                        64 MiB

free -mh
  #                total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
  # Mem:           1.9Gi       190Mi       1.5Gi       0.0Ki       283Mi       1.6Gi
  # Swap:             0B          0B          0B

fio --name=random-write --ioengine=posixaio --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --numjobs=1 --size=4g --iodepth=1 --runtime=60 --time_based --end_fsync=1
  # Run status group 0 (all jobs):
  # // HOST: WRITE: bw=20.4MiB/s (21.4MB/s), 20.4MiB/s-20.4MiB/s (21.4MB/s-21.4MB/s), io=1249MiB (1309MB), run=61123-61123msec
  # // VM:   WRITE: bw=30.8MiB/s (32.3MB/s), 30.8MiB/s-30.8MiB/s (32.3MB/s-32.3MB/s), io=2200MiB (2307MB), run=71361-71361msec

sudo hdparm -Ttv /dev/sda1
  #  Timing cached reads:   32440 MB in  1.99 seconds = 16304.92 MB/sec
  #  Timing buffered disk reads: 5888 MB in  3.00 seconds = 1962.49 MB/sec

Performance AMD4750G (2020)

Host with 4 vCPU Threads (3.6Ghz), SATA-600 SSD Storage (600 MB/sec) & 2GB RAM (3200 MHz DDR4). Time taken to provision Vagrant / VM: 1m55s.

Raw Audit in use with 30K Payload speeds 1-2 milliseconds for rsa-2k & maximum 200-250 nanoseconds for ecdsa-256.

Descriptions (Total Time) Response Time Request TIme
2ms rsa-2K 30K 0.0016947939 54.390936409 54.389241615
2ms rsa-2K 30K 0.0016818299 54.414009625 54.412327795
3ms rsa-2K 30K 0.0016958459 54.437240026 54.43554418
3ms rsa-2K 30K 0.0017228959 54.460534407 54.458811511
2ms rsa-2K 30K 0.0017377539 54.483883932 54.482146178
800ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.0002483669 54.76745683 54.767208463
213ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.0002302919 54.789580351 54.789350059
231ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.0002069089 54.812167494 54.811960585
269ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.0002070900 54.834334548 54.834127539
218ns ecdsa-p256 30K 0.0002354229 54.856198622 54.855963199

Concurrent thirty (30x) requests with HMAC AUdit & 30K Payload maximum 1-65 milliseconds for rsa-2k & total duration of 138 milliseconds for complete batch.

Descriptions (Total Time) Average Time Maximum Time Minimum Time
30 Concurrent 30K 0.1383543640 0.0078760318 0.0655252609 0.0017869849

System info:

ps aux | wc -l
  # 99  // processes on host

  # Architecture:                    x86_64
  # CPU(s):                          4
  # On-line CPU(s) list:             0-3
  # Thread(s) per core:              1
  # Model name:                      AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750G with Radeon Graphics
  # CPU MHz:                         3593.238
  # Hypervisor vendor:               KVM
  # Virtualization type:             full
  # L1d cache:                       128 KiB
  # L1i cache:                       128 KiB
  # L2 cache:                        2 MiB
  # L3 cache:                        8 MiB

free -mh
  #                total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
  # Mem:           1.9Gi       163Mi       612Mi       0.0Ki       1.2Gi       1.6Gi
  # Swap:             0B          0B          0B

fio --name=random-write --ioengine=posixaio --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --numjobs=1 --size=4g --iodepth=1 --runtime=60 --time_based --end_fsync=1
  # // HOST: WRITE: bw=148MiB/s (155MB/s), 148MiB/s-148MiB/s (155MB/s-155MB/s), io=10.1GiB (10.9GB), run=70009-70009msec
  # // VM:   WRITE: bw=65.8MiB/s (68.0MB/s), 65.8MiB/s-65.8MiB/s (68.0MB/s-68.0MB/s), io=3965MiB (4158MB), run=60282-60282msec

sudo hdparm -Ttv /dev/sda1
  #  Timing cached reads:   30296 MB in  1.98 seconds = 15294.85 MB/sec
  #  Timing buffered disk reads: 396 MB in  3.01 seconds = 131.54 MB/sec


This is intended as a mere practise / training exercise.

Taken from: