
A ruby script using vault-ruby gem to delete old tokens using their accessor_id

Primary LanguageRuby

HashiCorp vault old tokens revocation

The provided script leverages vault-ruby gem to delete all tokens that are older than a particular date using their accessor_id.

The script can be helpful toward cleaning up leases that are associated with (/auth) tokens and which may otherwise have not had TTL's appropriately set or reduced to as lower value as possible (minutes or hours recommended for as shorter duration as possible).

⚠️ DO NOT EXECUTE THIS IN PRODUCTION - unless you've made backups with methods to revert in cases of issues or accidental deletion and are confident to continue. ⚠️

Refer to the contents of vault-tokens-deletion-by-accessor.rb for setting the date / threshold that's consider too old and no longer needed.

nano vault-tokens-deletion-by-accessor.rb ;
 # Vault.address = "";
 # Vault.token   = "root";
 # // ^^ set address & credentials.
 # VDATE_OLDER = Time.parse("2019-12-31 21:55:17 UTC");
 # // ^^ set to your needs
 # // ^^ set accessor_id's not to remove - eg ROOT or others expected to be old.

gem install vault ;
 # // install vault libraries

ruby vault-tokens-deletion-by-accessor.rb ;
 # Running Ruby: vault_token_deletions_by_accessor.rb
 # EXCLUDED: 1mSILWuB0CXdpu4eIOgrM27X - skipping ...
 # REMOVED: 2/4 accessor tokens.
 # Ruby ACCESSOR TOKENS DELETION TOOK: 0.006492 seconds.


This is intended as a mere practise exercise.

See Vault api-docs/libraries for other application specific frameworks which may be used in authoring other / similar tools to help automate interactions with Vault.

Equivilant API methods related accessors are detailed at api-docs/auth/token.