
UI tests for Shop DemoQA website. Selenium, TestNG. Data driven testing.. Visual testing using Ocular. Test Listeners.

Primary LanguageHTML



  • WebDriver is instantiated before a test method and quit after the method.
  1. A screenshot feature: a screenshot is taken after a test method fails.
  2. StepLogger - used for wrapping shared methods. It logs readable test steps with meaningful hardcoded element names.
    • TODO: save them in external file
  3. TestListener - extends TestNG class TestListenerAdapter. It logs specific information about test method status, takes a screenshot and sums up the build.
  4. BaseTest - parent class for all test classes
  5. Page - parent class for all page object classes with shared and wrapped methods
  6. WindowsManager - a utility available to all test classes through BaseTest; serves for handling windows/tabs.
  7. Mechanism for failed tests - Retry class added, failed tests should be executed twice - should still work on it
  8. ExtentReport - test status, errors and screenshots for failed tests are presented in the report, as well as the statistic of a test run.
  9. Data driven testing - Data Provider class called CsvParser is added, it reads from csv files from the path resources/testData
  10. Explicit waits - incorporated in wrapper methods in Page class.
  11. BrowserFactory class for cross-browser testing - extended the framework to include Chrome and Mozilla, more browsers can be added anytime
  12. Visual comparison - added Ocular library
  13. Exception catching logic implemented in methods
  14. Jenkins automated pipeline - TODO
  15. Connection with a MySql for DDT
  16. A recorder of failed tests - TBD, lowest priority
  17. Factory - parallel test execution TODO