
タブ右クリックからタブを別のウインドウに送る Firefox アドオン

Primary LanguageJavaScript


タブ右クリックからタブを別のウインドウに移動させる Firefox アドオン。

e10s 対応。



Other addons can use this addon by using sendMessage

browser.runtime.sendMessage('{2bd73814-983c-42f3-a6d5-e68c4668a4cf}', {
  type: 'move',
  keyType: 'right',
  tabId: 15,
  toWindowId: 24,
  notification: false
browser.runtime.sendMessage('{2bd73814-983c-42f3-a6d5-e68c4668a4cf}', {
  type: 'move',
  keyType: 'raw',
  tabIds: [15, 46, 2],
  toWindowId: 24,
  notification: false




Property name Type Description
type string move
keyType string one, right, left, all, select, or raw
tabId number The ID of a selected tab when keyType is one, right, left, all, or select
tabIds Array of number The IDs of selected tabs when keyType is raw
toWindowId number The ID of a destination window. undefined for new window
notification boolean Whether to show notification