
Re-annotate probe from Affy Human gene 1.0/2.0 chip for lncRNA discovery

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Aim: Re-annotate probe from Human gene 1.0 chip for lncRNA discovery

CDF from Brain array

  • 29 novembrer 2016

In http://brainarray.mbni.med.umich.edu/Brainarray/Database/CustomCDF/CDF_download.asp guys from University of Michigan, have released a custom CDF based on GENCODE 25 (last updated annotation) containing protein coding and non-coding transcripts.

We downloaded the entire package for the TRANSCRIPT version.

  1. Go to http://brainarray.mbni.med.umich.edu/Brainarray/Database/CustomCDF/CDF_download.asp
  2. Download GENECODET package
  3. Save in Dropbox path:lncrna.annotations/hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_21.0.0

Probe filter strategy and Flat file creation

We applied 2 filters on the probe/probeset downloaded from Brain Array site.

  1. Probe mapping multiple ENSGENE element will be filtered out
  2. Probeset with less than 4 probes will be filtered out

To apply those filters and to produce a Flat file for the next procedure, we developed a script named brainArray2Flat.sh

Example brainArray2Flat.sh command-line for Human Gene 1.0 Array

./brainArray2Flat.sh -p hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_21.0.0/hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_probe_tab -d hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_21.0.0/hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.txt -o test

try brainArray2Flat.sh command-line also for Human Gene 2.0 Array

./brainArray2Flat.sh -p ./hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_probe_tab -d ./hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.txt -o hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET

It will produce a .flat file suitable for flat2cdf script

N.B. remove X_Probe line!!!

vi hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET.flat >> / Probe [search "Probe"] >> dd [del line]

Flat to CDF procedure

OLD SCRIPT: Follow instructions in aroma-affymetrix to Convert Affymetrix annotation to Flat file (Perl) at: http://www.aroma-project.org/howtos/create_CDF_from_scratch/ then run perl script

sed "s/        /,/" hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.txt > hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.csv
perl ./../convertProbesetCSV_differentInput.pl hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.csv hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET.flt.probe_th.probe_tab hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET.flt.probe_th.flat

Go to R and run flat2Cdf

  1. Load function from file create.custom.CDF.R
#example: flat2Cdf(file="hjay.r1.flat",chipType="hjay",tag="r1,TC")
#file: assumes header...better perhaps to have ... that passes to read.table?; requires header X, Y
#ucol: unit column
#gcol: group column
#col.class: column classes of file (see read.table); NOTE: needs check that right number?
#splitn: parameter that controls the number of initial chunks that are unwrapped (number of characters of unit names used to keep units together for initial chunks)

  1. Run function (be care: original flat2Cdf function put "," as tags >>> change to "." )
### remember: gene 1.0st >> 1050*1050 ; gene 2.0st >> 1612*1612
### remember: gene-level annotation gcol=6, transcript-level annotation gcol=5)
flat2Cdf("hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET.flat", chipType="Gene2.0st.lncrna.ENSG", tag="v21", col.class=c("character","integer","integer","character","character","character"), rows=1612, cols= 1612, xynames=c("X","Y"), ucol=5, gcol=6)
#flat2Cdf("/Users/emagene/Dropbox/on.going.papers/lncrna.annotations/hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_21.0.0/NEAT1mod/hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET.NEAT1mod.flat", chipType="Gene2.0st.lncrna.NEAT1mod", tag="v21", col.class=c("character","integer","integer","character","character","character"), rows=1612, cols= 1612, xynames=c("X","Y"), ucol=5, gcol=5)

  1. Make CDF package
make.cdf.package("Gene1.0st.lncrna.genes.v21.cdf", compress = FALSE, species="Homo_sapiens", unlink=TRUE)
#make.cdf.package("Gene2.0st.lncrna.genes.v21.cdf", compress = FALSE, species="Homo_sapiens", unlink=TRUE)
  1. install library then load into R
# R CMD build --force gene2.0st.lncrna.genes.v21cdf
# R CMD INSTALL gene2.0st.lncrna.genes.v21cdf_1.50.0.tar.gz

  1. run affy package & good luck

Creating description file for master table gene 1.0st

cut -f 5 hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET.flt.probe_th.seq.ENSG_Only.NOPERL.flat | sort | uniq | sed "/Group_ID/d" > selected.probesets.arraygene1st.cdf
head -1 hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.txt > header.desc.txt
join -t "" <(sort -k1,1 hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.txt) <(sort selected.probesets.arraygene1st.cdf) > hugene10st_Hs_ANNOTATION.provv.txt
cat header.desc.txt hugene10st_Hs_ANNOTATION.provv.txt > hugene10st_Hs_ANNOTATION.txt
rm header.desc.txt hugene10st_Hs_ANNOTATION.provv.txt

Creating description file for master table gene 2.0st

cut -f 5 hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET.flat.NEW | sort | uniq | sed "/Group_ID/d" > selected.probesets.arraygene2st.cdf
head -1 hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.txt > header.desc.txt
join -t "" <(sort -k1,1 hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_desc.txt) <(sort selected.probesets.arraygene2st.cdf) > hugene20st_Hs_ANNOTATION.provv.txt
cat header.desc.txt hugene20st_Hs_ANNOTATION.provv.txt > hugene20st_Hs_ANNOTATION.txt
rm header.desc.txt hugene20st_Hs_ANNOTATION.provv.txt

Creating BED file for probes (mapping to IGV)

  1. create tab delimited file with probeID_X_Y chrom start end
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{if (NR>1) print $2,$4,$4+25,$5"_"$6}' hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_mapping.txt | sort | uniq > hugene10st_Hs_GENECODET_mapping.bed
### for gene 2.0st
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{if (NR>1) print $2,$4,$4+25,$5"_"$6}' hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_mapping.txt | sort | uniq > hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_mapping.bed
  1. select only those probes included in (merged) flat file
cut -f 1 hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET.flat.NEW | sort | uniq > selected.probes
join -t "" <(awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{print $4,$0}' hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_mapping.bed | sort -k1,1) selected.probes | cut -f 2-5 | sort | uniq > hugene20st_Hs_GENECODET_mapping.FILTERED.PROBES.bed

BEDTools download

curl http://bedtools.googlecode.com/files/BEDTools-2.26.0.tar.gz > BEDTools.tar.gz
tar -zxvf BEDTools.tar.gz
cd BEDTools
sudo cp bin/* /usr/local/bin/

SEE examples


Transform BAM probes into BED

bedtools bamtobed -i HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mapped.unique.bam > HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mapped.unique.bed

create BED file from Genecode.gtf

# download gencode.v25.annotation.gtf from genecode website
# remove headers
sed '/^#/ d' gencode.v25.annotation.gtf > gencode.v25.annotation.noheader.gtf
# add "transcript_id" field (mandatory for gtf2bed)
awk '{ if ($0 ~ "transcript_id") print $0; else print $0" transcript_id \"\";"; }' gencode.v25.annotation.noheader.gtf > gencode.v25.annotation.noheader.wtrid.gtf
gtf2bed < gencode.v25.annotation.noheader.wtrid.gtf > gencode.v25.annotation.bed

#to get gene names instead of gene ID
sed 's/gene_id/gene_nome/g' gencode.v25.annotation.noheader.wtrid.gtf > temp1
sed 's/gene_name/gene_id/g' temp1 > temp2
sed 's/gene_nome/gene_name/g' temp2 > gencode.v25.annotation.noheader.wtrid.gene_name.gtf
gtf2bed < gencode.v25.annotation.noheader.wtrid.gene_name.gtf > gencode.v25.annotation.v2.bed


create CDF file from original Brainarray selecting only those probes:

  • whose Entrez GeneID match at least one ENSG (>>> discard secondary annoations)
  • included in the flat file generated from the original file

Brain array 2 Flat (ENSG_Only)

Download the brainarray ENSG v21 package from the brainarray site:

  • Gene 1.0


  • Extract the package into Dropbox directory

Start the pipeline brainArray2Flat.sh

./brainArray2Flat.sh -p ~/Dropbox/lncrna.annotations/hugene10st_Hs_ENSG_21.0.0/hugene10st_Hs_ENSG_probe_tab -d ~/Dropbox/lncrna.annotations/hugene10st_Hs_ENSG_21.0.0/hugene10st_Hs_ENSG_desc.txt -o test

Select unique ENSG that have ENTREZ ID in R

x = ls(hugene10sthsentrezgcdf)
x1 = gsub("_at","",x)
ensglist = sapply(x1,function(y) unlist(mget(y, org.Hs.egENSEMBL, ifnotfound=NA))[1])
entrezg.sel = as.vector(sapply(selected, function(y) strsplit(y,"\\.")[[1]][1]))
temp = ensglist[!is.na(ensglist)]
write.table(temp, file="~/Dropbox/on.going.papers/lncrna.annotations/ENSG.selected.hugene10st.txt", row.names=F,col.names=F,sep="\t", quote=F)

cut -f5 test.flat | sed 's/_at//' | sort | uniq > ENSG.test_flat.id
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{split($5,ensg,"_"); print ensg[1],$0}' test.flat | sort -k1,1 | uniq > ENSG_key.test_flat.join

# How many element? (Probe in probesets)
wc ENSG_key.test_flat.join
# How many genes?
cut -f1 ENSG_key.test_flat.join | sort | uniq | wc

Join flat file with selected ENSG from R

join -t "     " ENSG_key.test_flat.join <(sort ENSG.selected.hugene10st.txt) > ENSG_key.test_flat

# How many genes after filters?
cut -f1 ENSG_key.test_flat | sort | uniq | wc

Create a new FLAT file

cut -f 2- ENSG_key.test_flat | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{if(NR==1) {print "Probe_ID","X","Y","Probe_Sequence","Group_ID","Unit_ID"; print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$5}else{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$5}}' > ENSG_filter.flat

Run flat2CDF

REMEMBER: modify rows&cols to 1050 if gene10st, to 1600 if gene20st

Mapping approach (Deprecated)

generate fasta file from probe.tsv >>> downloaded from Affy

awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{print ">probe_"$1"_"$2"_"$3"_"$4"_"$5,$6}' probes.gene10st.tsv | tr '\t' '\n' > HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mod.fa

Some probe in probe.tsv are duplicated because “cover” different transcript clusters

How many unique probe are within the probe.tsv?

cut -f1 HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.tab/HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.tab | sort| uniq | wc

How many probes are in the file?

grep ">" HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mod.fa | wc

#### NOT RUN ####
# bowtie [options]* ebwt.library {-1 mate1 -2 mate2 | --12 read | sequenza ] []
# -f                 query input files are (multi-)FASTA .fa/.mfa
# -k                 report up to good alignments per read (default: 1)
# -m                 suppress all alignments if > <int> exist (def: no limit)
# bowtie -f [FASTA] -k 1 -m 1 ebwt[senza estensione] ### valido per Bowtie 1
# ./bowtie -f ./HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.fa/HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.fa -k 1 -m 1 -v 0 ~/Downloads/GRCh38_no_alt/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set -S HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mapped.sam

download index bowtie2 from bowtie website

Uniquely mapped reads only

  • Bowtie mapping
./bowtie2-2.2.9/bowtie2 -x ~/Downloads/GRCh38_no_alt/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.bowtie_index -p 4 -U HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mod.fa -f  > HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mapped.sam

928313 reads; of these:
  928313 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    88008 (9.48%) aligned 0 times
    716191 (77.15%) aligned exactly 1 time
    124114 (13.37%) aligned >1 times
90.52% overall alignment rate
  • samtools
samtools view -Sb HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mapped.sam | samtools view -F 4 -h - | grep -v "XS:" | samtools view -b - > HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mapped.unique.bam
samtools flagstat HuGene-1_0-st-v1.hg19.probe.mapped.unique.bam

# -F 4 filter all reads with one or more secondary alignments
# extract XS
# flagstat: statistics relative to bam file

716191 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
0 + 0 secondary
0 + 0 supplementary
0 + 0 duplicates
716191 + 0 mapped (100.00% : N/A)
0 + 0 paired in sequencing
0 + 0 read1
0 + 0 read2
0 + 0 properly paired (N/A : N/A)
0 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
0 + 0 singletons (N/A : N/A)
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)

Model for Samtools filtering procedure

(a.k.a. 2). Filtering those reads with multiple alignment reported (XS: present)

samtools view -H output.bam > header.sam
samtools view -F 4 output.bam | grep -v "XS:" | cat header.sam - | \
samtools view -b - > unique.bam
rm header.sam