
Homebrew formula for apihub-cli.

Primary LanguageShell


This repository is based on the one created by Tsuru team.


First, add this tap:

% brew tap apihub/homebrew-apihub

Then install the desired formula:

% brew install apihub

If you want to uninstall the apihub command line from your computer:

% brew uninstall apihub

##Publish a new version

You need to export one environment variable called GITHUB_TOKEN. (You should be able to create one token at https://github.com/settings/applications)

This script assumes that you have github-release installed (https://github.com/aktau/github-release).

% chmod +x scripts/create_release.sh
% ./create_release.sh

The output looks like the following:

Creating "/tmp/dist-src" directory... ok
Downloading apihub-cli source... ok
Restoring dependencies... ok
Creating package...ok
Uploading file to Github...ok
Updating and tagging formula...ok
Removing temporary folder...ok
Generating tag and commiting...ok