
Backend for out intensive course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Apiko courses 2019 application API

API - https://apiko-intensive-backend.herokuapp.com/

API Docs - https://apiko-intensive-backend.herokuapp.com/documentation

Local Server Installation

Clone repository and install project dependencies

git clone https://github.com/apiko-dev/intensive-backend
cd intensive-backend
npm i

Follow your OS specific instructions:


To upload images or some other multimedia - create free account on cloudinary and paste your cloudinary configs into config file.

SQL syntax highlight in js files.

Use VS Code Extension for Syntax highlighting for code like:

const query = sql`SELECT * FROM users`;

Run server

Start the server, e.g:

node index.js

or build and run:

npm run build && npm start

or whatever method you want.

Deploy on Heroku

git clone https://github.com/apiko-dev/intensive-backend
cd intensive-backend

Follow the deployment instructions