
a big screen slide viewer for sharing large images

Primary LanguageJavaScript

fullpixel - a PCS demonstration project

A big stack of screen filling images (mixed with users’ story texts and ads).

System Requirements

brew install imagemagick

brew install graphicsmagick

npm install  

gulp - to run the server locally

Database setup

	create mongo database - use DBName

	Remove collection - db.collectionName.remove({})

	import to a collection - 

		mongoimport --db dbName --collection collectionName --file /absolutePath/fileName.json

Project Goals and Outline

We will...

... serve the right size image to the right screen. 

... preload so the user rarely waits for next image.

... assume but not require full screen use.

... provide a beautiful, super-simple user interface for photo viewing and sharing.

View Modes

1 Non-registered user front page >>> fullpix.com

2 Non-registered user with specific url front page >>> fullpix.com/someuser

3 All-users - Fullscreen slideviewer, after first page.... fullpix.com/someuser

First user page includes public user profile

Second and subsequent pages are picture viewing pages (full screen or in browser viewing)

4 Registered (logged in) user dashboard >>> fullpix.com/someuser/dashboard (forthcoming)

Upload and edit picture display modes

Edit user profile