
Viewer for Lindenmayer systems (in Fractint's format)

Primary LanguageJava


Viewer for Lindenmayer systems (in Fractint's format)

The class with the main method is LSystem; since it is in the package lsystem, it must be run in the format

$ java lsystem.LSystem

when you are in the parent directory of lsystem.

Alternatively, compile it to a .jar file and just run that, which is probably easier. NetBeans will probably do it for you.

L-Systems are specified within .l files. The program attempts to read any .l files in the base directory.

See Operators.txt for an overview of the drawing operators.

See http://www.nahee.com/spanky/www/fractint/lsys/tutor.html for an overview of L-Systems, and http://www.fractalsciencekit.com/lsysprog/lsysprog.htm for a fairly comprehensive coverage of the format used by the .l files.