Containerization and Container Delivery - Backend Application
├── app/ # Python Flask application path
│ ├── # Python Web Application code
│ └── ...
├── k8s/ # K8s folder
│ ├── helm/ # Helm structure path
│ │ ├── dictionary/ # Dictionary chart
│ │ ├── mongodb/ # MongoDB chart
│ │ ├── rbac/ # RBAC chart
│ │ ├── values.yaml # Charts share value file
| | └── ...
│ └── manifests/
| ├── dictionary/ # Dictionary manifest files
| ├── mongodb/ # MongoDB manifest files
| ├── rback/ # RBAC manifest files
| ├── configmaps-prd.yml # ConfigMap config for PRD
| ├── configmaps.yml # ConfigMap config for UAT
| ├── namespace-prd.yml # Namespace config for PRD
| ├── namespace.yml # Namespace config for UAT
| ├── secrets.yml # Secret config file
| └── ...
├── tests/
│ ├── # Module structure file
│ ├── # Python unit test file
├── .gitignore # Excluded Files List for Git
├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose file for multi-container
├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile to build an image
├── # This readme file
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies requirement
└── ...
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 app/
To build an image, use the command
docker build -t apinyarr/dic-backend:test .
To run a container, use the command
docker run -d --rm --name dic-backend -p 8088:8088 -e MONGODB_HOST=host.docker.internal apinyarr/dic-backend:test
To run using Docker Compose (explicit the compose file name)
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
Starting order
Remark Skip step 1 if dictionary-namespace is created
- Create namespace dictionary-namespace
kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
Remark Skip step 2 if dic-config is created 2. Create configMap dic-config
kubectl apply -f configmaps.yaml
- Create deployment dic-mongodb-deployment
kubectl apply -f mongodb/mongodb-deployment.yaml
- Create service dic-mongodb-service
kubectl apply -f mongodb/mongodb-service.yaml
- Create deployment dic-backend-deployment
kubectl apply -f backend/backend-deployment.yaml
- Create service dic-backend-service
kubectl apply -f backend/backend-service.yaml