Build data about PRs lifecycle

Discussion in these Zulip streams:

Requirements && install

Data retrieval and parsing:

  • Needs Python 3.x. Create a virtualenv and install the packages:
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Website presentation:

npm run dev
  • Compile with:

Output files are in ./prs_stats. Test deployed compiled .js with any http local server, ex. python -m http.server and then open http://localhost:8000/prs_stats.


These scripts will fetch and process the pull requests data. Directory ./src/data constains all .json files used by the website.

Use to move the JSON files into the proper folders.

Use to generate the .js file to be included in the HTML pages.

  1. Download the entire PRs corpus from rust-lang/rust (+6K pull requests, will take hours! Final dump is about 1GB uncompressed)
./ (with sorting by date)
  1. How long do stay PRs open before being closed?
# filters all PRs in Q1/2023
# output: a file for each team
./ 2023-01-01 2023-04-30
  1. How many PRS are against issues?
# get all connected issues to PRs in Q1/2023
# output: a file for each team
./ 2023-01-01 2023-04-30


  • download only delta of data
  • set/get a bookmark when downloading data in case the process is interrupted
  • alternate API tokens to work around throttling (does not work)
  • reduce noise by excluding time elapsed from r+ to actual issue closing (maybe not, there's activity happening also after the r+, often enough that we don't want to ignore it)
  • why is a PR actually taking long to be closed? Give evidence if there was a lot of discussion and comments or was just sitting there unattended
  • maybe overlay candle/violin representation of max,min,avg in PRs age (see here how)

Frontend to set your review capacity


  • Build a simple web page deployed somewhere on github rust-lang org with a few knobs for reviewers to change their settings
  • nobody needs to manually edit this file to set themself in or out the rotation

Tasks (more or less):

  • BE: save settings into the triagebot DB (detail DB table fields)
  • BE: settings for each contributor:
    • open PR assigned (with list? with last comment timestamp?)

    • max # open pr assigned
    • PTO start
    • PTO end
    • "ping me after X days"
    • agree to make these settings visible to the team? (opt-in)
  • BE: triagebot reads the local DB before assigning the reviewer
  • Nice to have: change these settings directly from Zulip (see HackMD linked above)