Since 2014 I have gotten more opinionated about APIs.json. I have learned a lot from creating APIs.json indexes for public and private APIs, learning what building blocks matter the most to both public and private APIs--these variations are my attempt at proposing what could be next.
Here are the different types of APIs.json I am experimenting with.
- Index - Set of spectral rules that rates based upon common public API building blocks (ie. Docs, OpenAPI, Plans, Signup, TOS).
- Product - Set of Spectral rules that lint for opinionated product definitions (ie. Docs, Feedback Loops, Road Maps, Change Log)
- Lifecycle - Set of Spectral rules that lin to opinionated lifecycle definitions (ie. Define, Design, Testing, Security, Deployment, Observability, Distribution)
- AI / ML - Set of Spectral rules that lint using opinionated AI / ML definitions (ie. Modular and Simple OpenAPI, Semantic Tags)
- Workflow- Set of Spectral rules that lint for business workflows (ie. OpenAPIs, Steps, Daisy Chains)
These are all still works in progress, but provide a mix of approaches to defining not just a diverse range of APIs, but the operations around them, providing another surface area to govern, helping ensure APIs are delivering in a consistent way--establishing a baseline for what is expected.