
Playwright C# framework

Primary LanguageC#


POC to E2E test with Playwright

Setup Playwright

Install Playwright for C#

  1. Install the Playwright tool with the next command
  dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.Playwright.CLI 
  1. Install Playwright (this includes the browsers Chromium, Firefox, Webkit). Execute this command inside the project path. Sample path c:\Projects\sauceDemo
  playwright install

Run tests

You can run the test from Windows, MacOS or with Azure Devops Pipeline

You can run with different browsers

    dotnet test -s chromium.runsettings
    dotnet test -s webkit.runsettings
    dotnet test -s firefox.runsettings

For run only some test, for example run the test that contains AddItems in the name

    dotnet test --filter "Name~AddItems"

For get the list of filter: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/testing/selective-unit-tests?pivots=nunit

Visual Studio (Windows)

  1. Select the .runsettings
  2. On Test Explorer select Run

Visual Studio (Mac)

  1. Open Test Panel and Right Click on SauceDemo
  2. Select the option Run Test Wih -> Custom Parameters
  3. Add the variables BASE_ADDRESS : https://www.saucedemo.com/ BROWSER_TYPE : Chromium or Firefox or Webkit

Azure Devops

Request access to azure devops by mail with a microsoft email

  1. Go to pipelines
  2. Right click in the ... button and click in Run Pipeline
  3. Change the variables if is needed
  4. Click in Run

You can run the pipeline and manually change the variable BROWSER_TYPE to Chromium or Firefox or Webkit to test with different browsers and BASE_ADDRESS to test with different URLs

You can check the reports in Azure Devops image

Run tests in parallel

For run test in parallel you need to add the attribute [Parallelizable] to the Test class

You can setup the number or workers

    dotnet test -- NUnit.NumberOfTestWorkers=2


For additional reports to Azure Devops

Integration with third party software like saucelabs, browserstack, applitools is only supported to NodeJS (JS/Typescript)

With NUnit you can integrate with Report Portal


Test Generator

To generate a new test

    playwright codegen https://www.saucedemo.com/

To emulate an IPhone

   playwright codegen --device="iPhone 11" wikipedia.org


The test case: Login_WithValidUser_NavigatesToProductsPageAsync includes a tracing sample

This option generates a .zip with more details about the test

More info

https://playwright.dev/dotnet/docs/trace-viewer https://applitools.com/event/playwright-four-futuristic-features/

To check the trace

    playwright show-trace trace.zip

Add new test

As a best practice you can add a custom snippet to Visual Studio (windows) to generate the code for the test cases with the next format:


UoW is Unit of work

You can replace the [TestMethod] to [Test] in the xml file

You can clone the files from this repo https://gist.github.com/osmyn/906c917653a30864cb52dee02c36c14e

Copy the filess to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Code Snippets\Visual C#\My Code Snippets

After you can write "uat" from VS and press tab to get a template for async test

public async Task UoW_InitialCondition_ExpectedResult()

Or write "ut" for sync test case

public void UoW_InitialCondition_ExpectedResult()



