Application provides REST API for storing and retrieving candidates (for some vacancies) and their skills.
- Java 8 - as main language
- Groovy - for integration tests
- Ratpack - as HTTP framework
- Google Guice - for dependency injection
- PostgreSQL - as ORDBMS
- JOOQ - for querying database
- HikariCP - as connection pool
- Slf4J/Logback - for logging
- Gradle - as build tool
- Docker - containerizer for deployment
- Lombok - for generation of boilerplate code
- Spock - for integration tests
- H2 - as in-memory database for tests
- [GET]<root_path>/candidates - to get all candidates with their skills
- [GET]<root_path>/candidates/:id - to get candidate by id
- [POST]<root_path>/candidate (with payload) - to store candidate and it's skills into database
- [GET]<root_path>/skills - to get all skills from database
- [GET]<root_path>/skills/:id - to get skill by id
- [GET]<root_path>/skills?name=<?> - to get skill by name
For running the application you need to have installed Java 8 and docker-compose utility on your machine
user@host:~/stanfytest$ ./gradlew installShadowApp
user@host:~/stanfytest$ cd docker/
user@host:~/stanfytest/docker$ docker-compose up
Application will be available under http://localhost:8082
(Note: put id only for existing skills)
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Travolta",
"skills": [
"id": 1,
"skillName": "html"
"id": 2,
"skillName": "css"
"skillName": "erlang"