Surviving Other Peoples APIs

API Developers focus so much on designing and building their APIs, yet often we seem to forget the folks on the other end of the line. You, the frontend and backend developers trying to integrate our data and functionality into your own work, often get left with junky docs, or are just assumed to know how things are going to work.

Just like with Build APIs You Won’t Hate, this book will take a non-academic, easy-to-read approach to some pretty complex topics around HTTP interactions, versioning, client-caching, state management, differences between how you interact with RPC, REST and GraphQL, using JSON Schema for local validation, and all sorts of other awesome stuff that nobody ever bothered to mention to you.


The book skeleton is in `book.adoc´. Add new chapters by adding an empty line and a new include:




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That should let you know if anything goes wrong, and will output the HTML generated book in generated/book.html.


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