Kahoot Hack Auto Answer Bot

A bot that takes the name or PIN of a kahoot and gets a perfect score with the nickname of your choosing.

Features of This Hack

The program intercepts and pretends to be a kahoot client. After receiving quiz name from host, looks up answers for quiz and uses them.

  • Search by quiz name (requires login) or ID
  • 2FA compatible


  • Make a Kahoot Account if you don't have the Kahoot's ID and want to search for a Kahoot by name
  • Visit This Link for Step By Step Instructions to Hack Kahoot
  • Goto Below Link
  • http://apknxt.com/kahoot-hack

Cons of this Hack

Does not work when:

  • Kahoot is private
  • Answers are randomized
  • Questions are randomized

This is because this program uses the original question order and answer order, so if these are randomized the wrong answer will be clicked.


  • Print answers after each question in case of randomization