
The Codeception extension for automatically starting and stopping PhantomJS when running tests.

Minimum Requirements

  • Codeception 1.6.4
  • PHP 5.4


Phantoman is available via Composer. Add the following to the require section of your project's composer.json file.

"site5/phantoman": "1.*"

Then run composer update and composer install to complete the installation process.

Be sure to enable the extension in codeception.yml as shown in configuration below.

Recommended Additional Packages

PhantomJS Installer via Composer

It is highly recommended that you use the PhantomJS Installer package which will install PhantomJS locally to your project in vendor/bin. Please follow the installation instructions provided.

Note: We've found that 1.9.7 is out of date and instead use dev-master for the package version.

Phantoman uses vendor/bin by default. If any other installation of PhantomJS is used, please set the path as shown in the configuration below.


Phantoman supports two configuration options, path and port. By default it will look for PhantomJS to be installed in vendor/bin and it will use 4444 for the web driver port as per Codeception's requirements.

All enabling and configuration is done in codeception.yml.

Enabling Phantoman with defaults

        - Codeception\Extension\Phantoman

Enabling Phantoman with alternate settings

        - Codeception\Extension\Phantoman
            path: '{path to PhantomJS}'
            port: {port number}


Once installed and enabled, running your tests with php codecept run will automatically start the PhantomJS server and wait for it to be accessible before proceeding with the tests.

Starting PhantomJS Server
Waiting for the PhantomJS server to be reachable..
PhantomJS server now accessible

Once the tests are complete, PhantomJS will be shut down.

Stopping PhantomJS Server