
Deploy web infrastracture for a hello world go app in AWS

How To Use


To build infra, first we have to set the environment variables needed to run the scripts

export VPC_ID=
export STACK_NAME=

Next we’ll make use of the helper scripts to run the cloudformation script



Creates the cloudformation stack


Updates the cloudformation stack


Deletes the stack

Run the create stack script


Github Actions

Once cloud formation has completed. We can now have access to the Role ARN on the outputs. Define GHA_ROLE_ARN on actions secrets or change this line on main.yml

role-to-assume: <your-arn>

Now that arn is set we can trigger the build pushing a commit

touch sample.txt
git commit -am "sample"

Update the Stack

Once the workflow is done without failures.

We need to update the service DesiredCount to a value greater than 0

    DesiredCount: 1

then update the stack


Access the app

On update stack complete, go to outputs tab and copy the loadbalancer dns name.


Run the ./scripts/cleanup

if cleanup fails delete the repository on aws console and run the script again