🦍 Bouncer


The bouncer package enables you to restrict access to your apis using application keys.


Require the aplr/laravel-bouncer package in your composer.json and update your dependencies:

$ composer require aplr/laravel-bouncer


In order to check if requests to your api include a valid key, you can use the Bounce-middleware:

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [
       // ...

    'api' => [
        // ...

To generate a new key, simply use the following method:

use Aplr\Bodybuilder\Facades\Bouncer;

$key = Bouncer::createKey('My App');

You can manually check if a given key is valid by using the following method:

$valid = Bouncer::check('ZKEpwUSii5yvWt1xgLwHd8yguQGBZtrSi39hXFFd');