
My solutions for the front-end development challenges from FrontLoops (https://frontloops.io/)

Primary LanguageHTML

Design/Development Code Challenges From FrontLoops

This is my repository for completing the front-end design/development challenges from FrontLoops: https://frontloops.io/

An explanation of the challenges from their first email to me:

We are glad you decided to join the course and polish your frontend skills, but before we start there are some things to mention. Just keep them in mind and you are ready for the first task:

  1. All design are provided as .jpg images, so you won't need any special software license like Photoshop or Sketch. You will also get a video of how should page behave to user interactions. So you won't be able to get exact values for properties like box-shadows, but you don't need to make them perfectly the same as on images. This course is mostly about using techniques of building interfaces, not about boring pixel perfect code.

  2. Once you complete your task, just click on the link in that task email to get yourself into next one. If you are a full version user - you will also receive working code example as a reference. But be aware that every task has various ways of being solved, they just have different level of scalability and future code support.

  3. There will be 30 tasks split into 3 sections called "loops". Each 10th will be a challenge that will ask you to code a full website page. As you progress - task will become more and more complex. But don't stress - you can definitely finish this.

I am using the free/demo version, so my solutions are based solely on my own work and not on the completed code examples that they provide. Borrow from them at your own risk.