Script to auto-create a badge of number of clones for your github repositories. Since GitHub's API only tracks the past 2 weeks of traffic, this tool saves all clone statistics into a dictionary and sums total number of clones starting 14 days before first run.
pip install github_clones_badge
>>> from github_clones_badge import get_github_clones as ghc
>>> help(ghc)
>>> bc=ghc.badge_creator(repo='GRID_LRT')
7 Number of new entries
>>> bc.download_badge('/var/www/')
# These have to be stored on your server of course
In this case, the repouser's name is appended to the beginning of the badge name. This means one reponame for multiple users can be 'tracked'.
>>> from github_clones_badge import get_github_clones as ghc
>>> help(ghc)
>>> bc=ghc.badge_creator(repo='DDFacet', repouser='cyriltasse')
7 Number of new entries
>>> bc.download_badge('/var/www/')
# These have to be stored on your server of course