
This skill should work with Mycroft version 0.9.1 +

To use the Pandora ( Pianobar ) skill you'll first need to install Pianobar and configure it to work with your account.

Skill installation

You can install via voice, MSM or git clone this project into the mycroft skills directory usually found in /opt/mycroft/skills


This will install the pip requirements for you.

"Hey mycroft... install pandora"

This will install the pip requirements for you.

msm install pandora
Manually (git clone)
git clone

NOTE* If you take this route, you will need to change the permissions on the Mark 1 or Picroft to Mycroft.

sudo chown mycroft *
cd pianobar-skill

Install the skill requirements from the requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install pianobar package

New mycroft images

If you are using the new mark 1 and picroft images, as of 10/19/2017, you should be able to just do a skill installation and msm would automatically install pianobar using polkit.

Old mycroft images and ubunutu


apt-get update
apt-get -y install pianobar

For picroft and mark 1 the skill should automatically set the appropriate drivers. For desktop in my experiences it doesn't need it. If you want to double check and do it manually do these steps:

echo default_driver=pulse > ~/.libao
echo dev=0 >> ~/.libao

Setting up Pandora Account

If you are on 0.9.1 you can leverage the Web skill settings feature. Go to and go to the skills tab to input your credentials. If you do not have that image, you can manually create the settings.json file and input your information.

vim settings.json

create a json structure that looks like this


Once editing settings.json, the skill should reload from the mycroft MSM. If not, restart the skills service.

On Mark 1 and Picroft

sudo service mycroft-skills restart

On Desktop for 0.9.1+

./ debug

Now say "Hey pandora"


  1. Play Pandora

    example "Hey Mycroft... play pandora" or "Hey Mycroft, play Today's Hits Radio on pandora"
  2. Pause

    example "Hey Mycroft... pause"
  3. Resume

    example "Hey Mycroft... resume song"
  4. Next Song

    example "Hey Mycroft... next song"
  5. List Stations

    example "Hey Mycroft... list stations"
  6. Change Stations

    example "Hey Mycroft... change station to Today's Top Hits on pandora"
  7. Next Station

    example "Hey Mycroft... next station"

More to come as this project is under active development.

Mycroft Pulse Audio Configuration

Sometimes when you are listening to pandora, you want pandora to pause and resume automatically, when you are interacting with mycroft. Mycroft has an Audio service that can do that but currently is not turned on by default. You can find out how to do it here