
Setup an ubuntu server with ease.

Primary LanguageShell

Ubuntu Server

Highly opinionated server setup to cater to my needs

Server Setup

NOTE: If things dont work for some reason, try restarting and seeing if that fixes it.


Probably get a VM from Oracle Always Free Tier stuff.


Use your own server

Client Setup

  • Enable passwordless ssh access from remote machine to server (required for ansible to work)

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "primary-key"
    file ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
    ssh-copy-id -p <ssh-port> <remote-user>@<server-ip>

    If youre using a machine that only allows for publickey auth, then you can upload your key that you just generated with the following command

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub -o 'IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<your-existing-private-key-for-access>.key' -p <ssh-port> <remote-user>@<server-ip>
  • Install ansible

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install software-properties-common
    sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
    sudo apt install ansible
    ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core
  • Update the group_vars/all file to fill out the required information there

    At the very least, search for the items with tags # FILL OUT

    • Get CloudFlare information [OPTIONAL]
      • This is if you use CloudFlare for your domain name and want the public IP updated automatically every set amount of time incase it is changed on the server.
      • NOTE: Make sure the services installed in this dont overlap with any existing implied DNS entries you may have (keep this in mind if you see any weird behaviour, im not an expert here and im too tired to think about this at the moment)
      • Register your domain name on CloudFlare
      • Go to the main CloudFlare page
      • Then Websites
      • Then select the relevant Zone (basically the website you used in the group_vals/all file)
      • Go to the Overview page
        • On the right side you can see the Zone ID
        • Put this in the group_vars/all file
        • Here you can also see the link to the API token page
      • Go to the DNS page
        • Put in the following records (REQUIRED)

          Type Name Content Proxy Status TTL
          A *.<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME> <YOUR_PUBLIC_IP> DNS only Auto
        • Now you can also use <YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME> in the group_vars/all file instead of the server's IP address

      • Create a Custom API token from the api-tokens page with the following permissions and include the specific Zone (or website) from Zone Resources section
        • To edit DNS entries
          • Zone:DNS:Edit
        • To read Zone information
          • Zone:Zone:Read
        • Put this token/key in the group_vars/all file
      • If not needed, remove the line below line from setup.yaml - import_playbook: install-and-configure-cloudflare-dns-updater-service.yaml
  • Update the hosts.yaml file to fill out the template

  • Expose required ports on your router

    • Expose (port forward on your router) ports for the services you wish to have available externally based on the list here.
  • Run the ansible runner script

    • ./run.sh
    • You can add -vvvv to get more verbose output
  • After the installation

    • Setup Grafana
    • Setup Jellyfin
      • Initial setup is just following on-screen instructions.
        • If asked to select server, delete it and refresh the page.
      • Point Jellyfin to use the directories mentioned in the playbooks for shows, movies, music and books.
        • By default, on the Jellyfin pod, the directories it will be:
      • Add any other config required.
        • Recommend setting up the Open Subtitles plugin which requires creating an account on their website.
        • For Hardware acceleration go to Admin > Dashboard > Playback
          • Enable Hardware acceleration
          • Select Video Acceleration API (VAAPI) which is setup already to use the integrated Intel GPU. Not tested with anything else (like a dedicated AMD/Nvidea GPU)
            • You should see CPU usage drop and GPU usage go up, disable it if you dont or troubleshoot.
            • You can use the intel-gpu-tools package to monitor (notice GPU usage when hardware encoding is enabled, and no GPU usage when it is disabled) at least the intel GPU by running the command below on the host: sudo intel_gpu_top
          • Select the formats for which hardware acceleration should be enabled
            • Recommend not selecting HEVC 10bit because for some reason that breaks it
          • Defaults to CPU/software encoding if hardware acceleration does not work for a file, I think.
          • More infomarmation on their Jellyfin's page for Hardware Acceleration
    • Setup qBittorrent
      • Default login credentials are admin/adminadmin
      • Change the default login details
        • Go to Tools > Options > Web UI > Authentication
      • Set default download location to one the mentioned directories (or make sure to put it in the right directory when downloading for ease)
        • Recommend using /media/data/downloads
      • Set seeding limits
        • Recommend seeding limits for when seeding ratio hits "0". It is under Tools > Options > BitTorrent > Seeding Limits
      • Set torrent download/upload limits
        • Recommended to keep 6 active torrents/downloads and 0 uploads. It is under Tools > Options > BitTorrent > Torrent Queueing
    • Setup Calibre
      • Do base setup
        • Set folder to be /media/data/books and select Yes for it to rebuild the library if asked.
      • Go to Preferences > Sharing over the net
        • Check the box for Require username and password to access the Content server
        • Check the box for Run the server automatically when calibre starts
        • Click on Start server
        • Go to the User accounts tab and create a user
          • Make a note of the credentials for use in Readarr setup
        • Restart the app/pod
          • You can do so by also pressing CTRL + R on the main screen
    • Setup Calibre Web
      • Default login is admin/admin123
      • Set folder to be /media/data/books
      • To enable web reading, click on Admin (case sensitive) on the top right
        • Click on the user, default is admin
        • Enable Allow ebook viewer
        • Change password to something more secure
        • Save settings
    • Setup Radarr/Sonarr/Readarr/Lidarr
      • Service function

        Service Purpose
        Readarr Books
        Sonarr TV Shows
        Radarr Movies
        Lidarr Music
      • Go to Settings and click on Show Advanced

      • Enable authentication

        • Go to Settings > General
        • Set Authentication to Forms (Login Page)
        • Set username and password for access
      • Add torrent client

        • Go to Settings > Download Clients > Add > qBittorent > Custom
        • Add the host: qbittorrent
        • Add the port: 10095
        • Add the username: <qBittorrent_username>
        • Add the password: <qBittorrent_password>
        • Uncheck the Remove Completed option.
          • When enabled, this seems to delete the downloaded files sometimes. Not sure why.
      • Set the root directories to be the following

        • Go to Settings > Media Management

          Service Root Directory
          Readarr /media/data/books/
          Sonarr /media/data/shows/
          Radarr /media/data/movies/
          Lidarr /media/data/music/
        • Enable renaming

      • Readarr specific config

        • Go to Settings > Media Management
          • Add root folder (you cannot edit an existing one)
            • Set the path to be /media/data/books/
            • Enable Use Calibre options the the following defaults
              • Calibre host: calibre-webserver
              • Calibre port: 8081
              • Calibre Username: <calibre_username>
              • Calibre Password: <calibre_password>
          • Enabled Rename Books and use the defaults
    • Setup Prowlarr
      • Enable authentication
        • Go to Settings > General
        • Set Authentication to Forms (Login Page)
        • Set username and password for access
      • Add FlareSolverr service as a proxy, refer to this guide for help
        • Go to Settings > Indexers
        • Add a new proxy for FlareSolverr
          • Add a tag to it, for example flaresolverr
            • NOTE: This tag needs to be used for any indexer that needs to bypass CloudFlare and DDoS-Gaurd protection
          • The default host will be http://flaresolverr:8191/
      • Follow the official Quick Start Guide
        • Add all the indexers you wish to use, some good ones listed below. Find more indexers on Prowlarr's Supported Indexers page.
          • Standard
            The Pirate Bay
          • Anime
              Add with higher priority, example "1", since it has good english subtitled content
              Add "flaresolverr" tag
            Tokyo Toshokan
          • It is recommended to use private indexers for books and music as they are harder to find otherwise
      • Add Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr and Readarr to the Settings > Apps > Application section using the correct API token and kubernetes service names
        • By default prowlarr server will be:
        • By default the services will be:
        • Select extra Sync Catagories for each application if required
          • I would recommend keeping the default categories for the most part
          • For the apps Sonarr and Radarr, it might be worthwhile using both TV and Movies categories
          • NOTE: If you dont know what to do, add all of them for every app (comes at the cost of slower searches). But this may also result in some weird behaviour which would need troubleshooting.
    • Setup Bazarr
      • Enable authentication
        • Go to Settings > General
        • Under Security select Form as the form of Authentication
        • Set username and password for access
      • Follow the official Setup Guide
        • Go to Settings > Radarr and Settings > Sonarr
          • Click on Enable
          • Fill out the details and save
            • Use the API tokens from the respective services, found under Settings > General > Security > API Key

            • Use the kubernetes service name and port

              Service Name Port
              radarr 7878
              sonarr 8989
            • Set a suitable minimum score, probabl 70 is fine

          • Fill out the path mappings if the directories in which data is stored is different for both services (by default both services will use the same directory to access data, so you dont need to change anything for a default install)
        • Go to Settings > Languages
          • Add a language profile and set defaults for movies and series'
        • Go to Settings > Provider and add providers for subtitles
          • Decent options are:
            • Opensubtitles.com
            • TVSubtitles
            • YIFY Subtitles
            • Supersubtitles
        • Go to Settings > Subtitles and make changes if needed
        • Manually add the language profile to all the scanned media after first installation
      • NOTE:
        • If it doesnt work, manually restart the pod few times. It just works, not sure why. If that doesnt work, try reinstalling.
    • Setup Ombi
      • One stop shop for Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr requests
      • Get the API keys for Jellyfin, Sonarr and Radarr
        • Jellyfin
          • Go to Admin > Dashboard > API Keys
          • Generate a new API key with an appropriate name
        • Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr
          • Use the API tokens from the respective services, found under Settings > General > Security > API Key
      • Set credentials for login
      • Go to Settings
        • Use the correct API keys, hostnames and ports for the services
          Service Name Port
          jellyfin 8096
          sonarr 8989
          radarr 7878
          lidarr 8686
        • Click on the Load Profiles and Load Root Folders buttons and use the appropriate defaults as used in the services seen here.
        • Setup Movies using Radarr
        • Setup TV using Sonarr
          • Enable the Enable season folders option
          • Enable the V3 option
        • Setup Music using Lidarr
        • Setup Media Server using Jellyfin
        • Dont forget to click on Enable for each of those setups as well
      • Go to Users
        • Setup additional users
        • Give the following roles to trusted users for convinience
    • Setup Minikube for remote access
      • Use the kubeconfig file copied over to the current working directory by exporting it
      • Optionally, edit your local ~/.kube/config and incorporate the information from the copied over kubeconfig into it
      • NOTE:
        • The port on which kube-apiserver is forwarded to, 3001 by default, should not be exposed to the internet (i.e., should be LAN access only) because anyone will be able to access it.
        • The way it is set up at the moment, the certs dont really do anything. The apiserver itself is directly accessible without any authentication.
        • By default, ansible_host from the hosts.yaml file is used as the IP in the kubeconfig file. It is strongly recommended that you change that to the LAN IP of the server (to not have to port forward this on your router to access it)
    • Use Squid
      • Use the username and password from the group_vars/all file to use this as a proxy server
    • Use Sambashare
      • For external access:
        • The following info was retrieved by running sudo ufw status verbose | grep -i samba on the server which lists what ports were exposed as part of sudo ufw allow samba
        • Expose the following ports for TCP
        • Expose the following ports for UDP
      • To authenticate
        • Thee username will be the <ANSIBLE_USER> you used in the hosts.yaml file
        • The password will be in the group_vars/all file (smb.password section).
      • In Windows, connect to it using \\<LAN_IP>\<SHARE_NAME_FROM_GROUP_VARS_ALL>
      • More information here
    • Exposed Services
      • You need to create DNS entries to access the Ingress services. The following entries are recommended:

        • *.<DOMAIN_NAME>
        • <DOMAIN_NAME>
      • You can port forward the following ports on your router to gain external access. On your router:

        • Set a static IP for your server (if applicable) so the router doesnt assign a different IP to the machine breaking your port-forwarding setup
        • Following are some sample rules based on the all file defaults for port forwarding, feel free to tweak to your needs.
        Service Default access Where Server port Public facing port
        ssh ssh <LAN_IP> or <DOMAIN_NAME> 22 <IN_LINE_WITH_HOSTS_FILE_OR_22>
        samba proxy \\<LAN_IP>\<SHARE_NAME> or \\<DOMAIN_NAME>\<SHARE_NAME> TCP: 139,445, UDP: 137,138 <BEST_NOT_TO_EXPOSE_THIS>
        grafana Ingress grafana.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        jellyfin Ingress jellyin.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        ombi Ingress ombi.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        prowlarr Ingress prowlarr.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        bazarr Ingress bazarr.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        radarr Ingress radarr.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        sonarr Ingress sonarr.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        readarr Ingress readarr.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        lidarr Ingress lidarr.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        librespeed Ingress librespeed.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        calibre-web Ingress calibre-web.<DOMAIN_NAME> 8080 80
        calibre LAN <LAN_IP>:3002 (No ingress rules defined) 3002 <YOU_DECIDE>
        minikube LAN api-access <LAN_IP>:3001 3001 <YOU_DECIDE>

        NOTE: Security is an unkown when exposing a service to the internet.