
A collection of working terraform examples for the AVI load balancer platform

Primary LanguageShell


A collection of terraform plans for the avi networks load-balancing platform
Clone repository and adjust parameters as required


git clone https://github.com/apnex/terraform-avi
cd terraform-avi


This repo is organised into 3 key phases as follows:

  ┣━ phase0-deploy
  ┣━ phase1-infra
  ┗━ phase2-dns

Each phase and directory represents a single atomic terraform plan for avi deployment or configuration.
Modify parameters as necessary in each main.tf and apply or destroy as required.

>> phase0-deploy <<

Deploys the avi controller vm to a target vcenter platform.
This will take some time copy the ova and start the appliance services.

Note: After completing this plan you must login and complete the one-time Welcome Setup workflow

>> phase1-infra <<

Configures avi with the following infrastructure geometry:

 ┣━ ipam-profile
 ┣━ dns-profile
 ┗━ se-groups
     ┣━ Default-Group (cmp cluster)
     ┗━ mgmt-se-group (mgmt cluster)

>> phase2-dns <<

Configures a DNS virtual service in mgmt-se-group
This will trigger the service-engine vm creation in vsphere and may take some time to complete.

Note: After completing this plan you must login and enable Administration > Settings > DNS Service