CIO | Software Architect | Helping somewhere in the open-source community | Scaling e-commerce w/ Microservices
bsolusBraga, Portugal
apoca's Following
- a-xitasCittadino del mondo
- acloudfanNew York, USA
- awsdocsSeattle, WA
- barryvdh@fruitcake
- bsolusPortugal
- bust3rkika
- DeusTaNoComandoBSolus
- dice2-win
- dreamfly281New Kind of Network
- eliomaria
- esolidarBraga, Portugal
- franciscomoraisSeegno
- githubSan Francisco, CA
- GrahamCampbellGraham Campbell Technology Ltd
- hiquaZürich, Switzerland
- joelcalheirosPTECH
- michaelbromley@vendure-ecommerce
- miguelangelorodrigueseSolidar
- mikenicholsonUber ATG
- mkawalecRiot Games
- nicolastakashiCoralogix
- nidenCharles Town, WV
- nunomaduro@laravel
- patricia-mps
- pedroguia@DEUS-AI
- prusnakCo-Founder @SatoshiLabs
- QoveryUnited States of America
- rafaelsmirandaFão, Esposende, Portugal
- ritzdorfChainSecurity
- running-web-dev02Running Solutions
- shrugsNYC, TYO
- StephenGrider
- tmartins91Braga, Portugal
- tylermcginnisui.dev
- vbuterin
- zosmakSétima