
Simple implementation of PyPI cache server for offline use

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Container With Devpi Server

A Dockerfile image based on python:3-alpine3.9 that runs a devpi server (a PyPi Cache).

To install required packages, and to store required package cache on devpi server's index_url (in order to use packages in offline air-gapped environment) :

  • Update requirements.txt file with the list of required package dependencies before image build. These listed packages in requirements.txt will be installed as a part of image build.


After clonning repository, change current directory to devpi folder :

cd devpi

Build an image using Dockerfile present in current working directory

podman build -t <image_name> .

Alternatively you can specify Python base image, used as environment detected by pip to pull dependencies for, by providing build parameter PYTHON_IMAGE.

podman build -t <image_name> --build-arg PYTHON_IMAGE=pytorch/pytorch:1.11.0-cuda11.3-cudnn8-runtime .

Run container instance using image created above by port forwarding container port 3141 to container host's port 3141

podman run -it --rm -p 3141:3141 --name devpi localhost/<image_name>


Use a configuration similar to this in your ~/.pip/pip.conf:

index-url = http://<devpi_server_url>/root/pypi/+simple/


Use a configuration similar to this in your ~/.pydistutils.cfg:

index_url = http://<devpi_server_url>/root/pypi/+simple/

In case, to run devpi-server on localhost system : <devpi_server_url> ~ localhost