
Query and control some features of the UniFi controller directly from your command-line.

Primary LanguageElixir


Query and control some features of the UniFi controller directly from your command-line.

WARNING: This command-line utility is is not way related to Ubiquiti and is provided as is. It is only developed with the hardware I own and may behave erroneously with your own.



UniCLI needs to know three settings in order to work:

  • your UniFi controller's host
  • your username
  • your password

You may create another user, dedicated to be used with UniCLI.

In order to pass those settings to UniCLI, pass the following environment variables to the program: UNIFI_HOST, UNIFI_USERNAME, UNIFI_PASSWORD.

Alternatively, you can create ~/.unicli/profiles.json and list an arbitrary number of UniFI connection profiles, like so:

  "default": {
    "host": "https://unifi.acme.com",
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "superpassword"
  "labs": {
    "host": "https://unifi.labs.acme.com",
    "username": "lab",
    "password": "password"

If this file exists, by default, the profile named default will be used. You can select a specific profile to be used for the connection with the UNIFI_PROFILE environment variable. In this mode of operation, if any of UNIFI_HOST, UNIFI_USERNAME or UNIFI_PASSWORD is set, they will override the saved profile.

$ UNIFI_PROFILE=labs unicli sites

UniCLI creates ~/.unicli/cookies.json to store fetched cookies and reuse them for the next requests.

Run with docker

You can run UniCLI from Docker with the following command:

$ cd unicli
$ docker run -e UNIFI_HOST= -e UNIFI_USERNAME=rose.tyler -e UNIFI_PASSWORD=superpassword apognu/unicli:latest devices list


You can list all your sites with the following command:

$ unicli sites
ID       Name                 Alerts   WAN  GTW   LAN   WLAN   VPN

default  ACME - Headquarters  0        ✓    ✓     ✓     ✓      ✗

You can then use the value in the ID column to scope your request to a specific site (with the -s option). If ommited, the site defaults to default.


List devices

$ unicli devices list
ID                        Model   Name     State          IP address     MAC address         Uptime      Version            RX bytes    TX bytes

dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  UGW3    Gateway  Connected   00:11:22:33:44:55   1d 5h 52m   ✓   3.53 GB     3.59 GB
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  US24    Switch   Provisionning     00:11:22:33:44:55   2d 4h 42m   ✓      302.66 MB   2.73 GB

Adopt a device

$ unicli devices adopt 00:11:22:33:44:55
Device '00:11:22:33:44:55' is being adopted.

Restart a device

$ unicli devices restart dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd
Device 'dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd' is restarting.

Force provisionning of a device

$ unicli devices provision dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd                                                                                                                                                                                                                 master:48966ca
Device 'dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd' is provisionning.

List ports on a device

$ unicli devices ports list dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd
ID  Name      Enabled   Link   STP state    Speed   Duplex   RX bytes    TX bytes

1   Port 1    ✓         UP     forwarding   100     FDX      166.28 MB   611.74 MB
2   Port 2    ✓         UP     forwarding   1000    FDX      337.09 MB   2.38 GB
3   Port 3    ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
4   Port 4    ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
5   Port 5    ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
6   Port 6    ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
7   Port 7    ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
8   Port 8    ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
9   Port 9    ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
10  Port 10   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      152.89 KB   3.07 MB
11  Port 11   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
12  Port 12   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
13  Port 13   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
14  Port 14   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
15  Port 15   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
16  Port 16   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
17  Port 17   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
18  Port 18   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
19  Port 19   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
20  Port 20   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
21  Port 21   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
22  Port 22   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
23  Port 23   ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
24  Port 24   ✓         UP     forwarding   1000    FDX      2.73 GB     302.66 MB
25  SFP 1     ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B
26  SFP 2     ✓         DOWN   disabled     0       HDX      0 B         0 B

Enable/disable ports on a device

You may use ports range syntax to specify which port to enable or disable. 1,10,20 means ports 1, 10 and 20. 10-20 means ports 10 through 20.

Enabling ports will put them in the default All profile.

unicli devices ports [enable|disable] dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd 1,2,10-20
Port state for 'dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd → 1,2,10-20' state changed.

Turn location LED on/off

$ unicli devices locate dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd on
Location state for 'dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd' was changed.


List networks

$ unicli networks list
ID                        Name                  Enabled   Purpose     Subnet             Domain             VLAN

dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  00 - Management       ✓         corporate    mgmt.acme.local
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  10 - WiFi Guests      ✓         guest   guests.acme.local  10
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  20 - WiFi             ✓         corporate   wifi.acme.local    20
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  30 - LAN              ✓         corporate   lan.acme.local     30

List wireless networks

$ unicli networks wlan list
ID                        Name             Enabled   Security   Encryption  VLAN

dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  ACME             ✓         wpapsk     wpa2/ccmp   20
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  ACME Guests      ✗         open       wpa2/ccmp   10

Enable/disable wireless networks

$ unicli networks wlan [enable|disable] dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd
Wireless network 'dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd' state changed.


List all clients

$ unicli clients list
MAC address        Manufac.   Hostname  Network          IP address        Last seen    ⇆  Gues.  Auth.   WAN                      LAN

00:11:22:33:44:55  LcfcHefe   tialus    00 - Management                    1 day ago    ✓   ✗      -       ▼ 10.62 MB ▲ 87.98 MB  ▼ 0B ▲ 0B
00:11:22:33:44:55  Ubiquiti                                                2 days ago   ✓   ✗      -       ▼ 0 B ▲ 0 B            ▼ 0B ▲ 0B
00:11:22:33:44:55  Raspberr   alarm     20 - WiFi      2 days ago   ✓   ✗      -       ▼ 0 B ▲ 0 B            ▼ 0B ▲ 0B
00:11:22:33:44:55  Lenovo                                                  Never        ✓   ✓      ✓       ▼ 0 B ▲ 0 B            ▼ 0B ▲ 0B

Block/unblock a client

$ unicli clients block 00:12:34:56:78
Client '00:11:22:33:44:55' was blocked.


List all active vouchers

$ unicli vouchers list
ID                        Code          Validity   Usable   Down        Up          Quota   Note

dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  51909-50304   1d         ∞        2.05 Mbps   2.05 Mbps   1 GB    Bob Dylan
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  03387-80149   1d         0/1      -           -           -       Mum

Create a voucher

When creating a voucher, you may pass the following options to specify the voucher's parameters:

$ unicli help vouchers create
create a voucher 0.0.1
Antoine POPINEAU <antoine.popineau@appscho.com>

    unicli vouchers create [-n NUMBER] [-e VALIDITY] [-t USAGE] [-c COMMENT] [-q QUOTA] [-d QUOTA_DOWNLOAD] [-u QUOTA_UPLOAD]


    -n        how many vouchers to create (default: 1)                          
    -e        validity duration (as ISO8601 durations, e.g. PT24H, etc.)        
              (default: 1440)                                                   
    -t        number of times this voucher can be used (0 for unlimited)        
              (default: 1)                                                      
    -c        comment (default: Created from UniCLI)                            
    -q        usage quota in MB (default: 0)                                    
    -d        download bandwidth limit in Kbps (default: 0)                     
    -u        upload bandwidth limit in Kbps (default: 0)

Nothing fancy here, those map to the same settings that can be found in the UniFi Hotspot manager.

$ unicli vouchers create -e P1W -c "Visitor from space" -q 1024 -d 128 -u 128
Voucher was created.

Revoke a voucher

$ unicli vouchers revoke dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd
Voucher 'dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd' was revoked.

Events and alerts

$ unicli events
Time                System   Device          Message

2018/02/22 10:22am           -              Admin[rose.tyler] log in from
2018/02/22 10:14am  WLAN     -              User[00:11:22:33:44:55] disconnected from "20 - WiFi" (16m 11s connected, 460.00 bytes)
2018/02/22  9:56am  WLAN     -              User[00:11:22:33:44:55] has connected to 20 - WiFi
2018/02/22  8:49am  WLAN     pegasus        User[00:11:22:33:44:55] has connected to AP[78:8a:20:d0:9f:8f] with ssid "ACME" on "channel 36(na)"
2018/02/22  8:39am  LAN      orion          User[00:11:22:33:44:55] has connected to 00 - Management
2018/02/21  5:19pm  WLAN     CEO Office AP  AP[00:11:22:33:44:55] was connected
2018/02/21  5:18pm  WLAN     CEO Office AP  AP[00:11:22:33:44:55] was restarted by Admin[rose.tyler]

$ unicli alerts
Time                    System   Device   Message

!  2018/02/21  8:21pm   WLAN     AP-A     AP[00:11:22:33:44:55] was disconnected
!  2018/02/21  8:21pm   WLAN     AP-B     AP[00:11:22:33:44:55] was disconnected
✓  2018/02/21  8:21pm   WLAN     AP-A     AP[00:11:22:33:44:55] was disconnected
✓  2018/02/21  8:21pm   WLAN     AP-D     AP[00:11:22:33:44:55] was disconnected
✓  2018/02/21  8:21pm   WLAN     AP-B     AP[00:11:22:33:44:55] was disconnected

RADIUS users

List users

$ unicli radius users list
ID                        Username                        VLAN

dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  rose.tyler@acme.com             30
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  martha.jones@acme.com           20
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  amelia.pond@acme.com            20
dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd  clara.oswald@acme.com           20

Create a user

$ unicli help radius users create
create a new RADIUS user 0.0.1
Antoine POPINEAU <antoine.popineau@appscho.com>

    unicli radius users create [-v VLAN] [-t TUNNEL] [-m MEDIUM] [--site SITE] USERNAME PASSWORD


    USERNAME        username of the RADIUS user
    PASSWORD        password of the RADIUS user


    -v                VLAN ID (default: VLAN to put the user into)
    -t                TUNNEL_TYPE (default: ID of the tunnel type)
    -m                TUNNEL_MEDIUM_TYPE (default: ID of the tunnel medium type)
    -s, --site        which site to talk to (default: default)

$ unicli radius users create amelia.pond@acme.com mysuperpassword -v 100 -t 13 -m 6
RADIUS user `amelia.pond@acme.com` was created.

Delete a user

$ unicli radius users delete dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd
User 'dmu898nx3c4sd8ylb3ctrfhd' was deleted.