News Image Generation

This repository contains a Python script that automatically generates an image based on a news headline. The script uses the NewsAPI to fetch the latest headlines, and then generates an image using the DiffusionPipeline from the diffusers Python package for Text-to-Image task. The script is scheduled to run every few minutes. Each time it runs, it fetches a new headline and generates a new image, which is then displayed below. The image generation process is performed on a GPU.

Generated Image

Below is the latest generated image: Generated Image

Latest News Headline

The latest news headline used to generate the image is:

Review: Jack White's Free Surprise Untitled New Album Really Kicks Ass

You can read more about it here.


  • Python 3.8
  • Hugging Face account
  • NewsAPI key
  • diffusers Python package
  • invisible_watermark Python package
  • transformers Python package
  • accelerate Python package
  • safetensors Python package