
DSpace aims to enable people to find, collect, edit, structure and share any kind of information in a real-time, massive-collaboration, augmented-reality-environment (like wikipedia), based on a very common ground: The map of the area, where people actually are, around their Geolocation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • master: Build Status
  • develop: Build Status

DSpace aims to enable people to find, collect, edit, structure and share any kind of information in a real-time, massive-collaboration, augmented-reality-environment (like wikipedia), based on a very common ground: The map of the area, where people actually are, around their Geolocation.

automatically built from 'develop' branch. May be experimental and unstable.






  • modestmaps
    • markers
    • easey + easey.handlers
  • ender
  • backbone
  • handlebars
  • ...

development (build/test)

  • amd
  • mocha
  • phantomjs
  • naturaldocs
  • csso
  • ...

Development & Deployment

Please refer to INSTALL.md