
Primary LanguageLua

Run Packer

In a nvim session:


Treesitter setup

Wait for Treesitter to download and compile the parsers, It should happen automatically the first time you open the nvim session. If it doesn't start automatically force it with:


Install Language servers


sudo pamac install llvm

MacOS: you might have to add export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/ to your shell config file.


npm i -g pyright


npm i -g bash-language-server


npm i -g docker-language-server-nodejs


in an R session:



git submodule update --init --recursive
cd lua-language-server/3rd/luamake
cd ../..
./3rd/luamake/luamake rebuild


You need TexLive and latexmk in your PATH. install the rust cargo:

remember to add ~/.cargo/bin/ directory to your PATH.

cargo install --git https://github.com/latex-lsp/texlab.git --locked

Most likely the luaindent command will not work out of the box: Can't locate YAML/Tiny.pm in @INC (you may need to install the YAML::Tiny module).......... You might need to run this:

sudo cpan Unicode::GCString
sudo cpan App::cpanminus
sudo cpan YAML::Tiny
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install "File::HomeDir"'

On MacOS follow zathura installation steps outlined in vimtex manual :h vimtex-faq-zathura-macos

Telescope speed improvement

  • Install fd for better file finding
  • Install ripgrep to enable live_grep functionality
pamac install fd ripgrep

Install debuggers

C/C++ and Rust

nvim-dap is set up to use /usr/bin/lldb-vscode, you have to adjust it as needed in base of your llvm installation (it should come with it). It might be in a different location or have a slightly different name like lldb-vscode-XX, XX being a two digits number. MacOS could not have it in PATH.


mkdir .virtualenvs
cd .virtualenvs
python -m venv debugpy
debugpy/bin/python -m pip install debugpy